A brief log of news from our group (Fall 2014-):
- 5/1/2023: Jiaru Li passed B exam, to move to Northwestern Univ as a CIERA postdoc fellow in Fall 2023.
- 4/2023:
PNAS paper on polarized X-rays is published;
here is a news article, and
here is a semi-popular account.
- 2/2023: Rixin Li receives 51 Peg fellowship (hosted by UC Berkeley)
- 2/2023: Darryl Seligman receives NSF postdoc fellowship.
- 9/2022: Darryl Seligman joins us as a research associate.
- 5/19/2022: Yubo Su passed B exam, to move to Lyman Spitzer postdoc fellow
at Princeton Univ in Fall 2022.
- 5/2022: Yubo Su received Shelley prize for graduate research from the Astronomy Dept.
- 4/2022: Chris O'Connor received the KITP graduate fellowship, to spend fall
2022 at KITP.
- 2/2022: Yubo Su received Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship from the
graduate school.
- 1/2022: Chris O'Connor received the Sadov fellowship from A&S college.
- 7/2021:
Dong receives Provost Award for Teaching Excellence in Gradudate and Professional
Degree Programs
- 10/2020: Dr. Rixin Li joins our group.
- 10/2020: Bin Liu leaves Cornell and joins Niels Bohr Institute as a postdoc felow.
- 7/13/2020: Michael Pu passed B exam, to move to
the D.E.Shaw group.
- 7/7/2020: Michelle Vick passed B exam, to move to Northwestern Univ as a CIERA postdoc fellow.
- 5/28/2020: Michelle Vick receives Shelley prize for graduate research from the Astronomy Dept.
- 3/16/2020: Covid shutdown, start (almost) daily arXiv group meeting...
- 2/8-3/7/2020: Dong Lai spends a month at Berkeley as visiting Miller prof.
- 1/2020: Michelle Vick receives several prize postdoc offers (CITA, Northwestern etc) and will be CIERA postdoc fellow at Northwestern Univ in Fall 2020.
- 11/7/2019: Visiting research associate Janosz Dewberry joins us, following Ph.D. studies at DAMTP Cambridge.
- 10/15/2019: Research associate Laetitia Rodet joins us, following Ph.D. studies at ENS-Lyon and Grenoble.
- 7/2019:
International Conference on Astrophysical Dynamics
- 6/2019: Graduate student Yubo Su has been awarded the
"Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology" (FINESST) fellowship in
astrophysics, starting Fall 2019.
- 6/11/2019: Kassandra Anderson passed B exam, to move to Princeton University as
the Lyman Spitzer Postdoctoral Fellow.
- 6/2019: Grad student Bonan Pu received the Duncombe Prize from AAS DDA.
- 5/2019: Michelle Vick received the York Prize for academic excellence and service,
Kassandra Anderson received the Shelley graduate research prize, both from the Astro department.
- 1/2019:
Dong Lai receives Miller visiting professorship award from UC Berkeley.
- 12/2018: Graduate student Kassandra Anderson received postdoc fellowships from
CITA, Princeton etc.
- 9/2018: Former Ph.D. student David Tsang joined faculty at University
of Bath (UK).
- 9/5/2018: Dong Lai gives Distinguished Alumini Lecture at University of Science
and Technology of China.
- 7/9/2018: JJ Zanazzi passes B exam, to move to a postdoc fellowship at CITA.
- 6/2018: Kassandra Anderson receives the 2018 ASNY
(Astronomical Society of New York) Award for graduate research.
- 6/2018: Kassandra Anderson received the Duncombe Prize from AAS DDA.
- 5/2018: Graduate student Kassandra Anderson has been awarded the NASA graduate
fellowship (NESSF) starting Fall 2018.
- 1/2018: Graduate student JJ Zanazzi received prize postdoc fellowship from CITA, etc.
- 12/2017:
International Conference on Exoplanets and Planet Formation, Shanghai
- 10/2017: Dong Lai attended 2017 Future Science Prize Forum (Beijing) and gave
- 10/1/2017: Dr. Jean Teyssandier (from U. Cambridge) joined our group as a research
- 9/2017: Dr. Bin Liu (from SHAO) joined our group as a visiting scholar and postdoc.
- 8/8/2017: Graduate student Ryan Miranda passes B exam, to move to IAS at Princeton
as a postdoc.
- 5/2017: Michelle Vick received the Duncombe Prize from AAS DDA.
- 5/2017: Graduate student Bonan Pu has been awarded the NASA graduate fellowship
(NESSF) starting Fall 2017.
- 5/2017: Dong completed three sabbatical visits for the 2016-2017
academic year: IAS (9-11/2016), Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (12/2016-1/2017)
and Harvard ITC (2-5/2017).
- 5/2017: Graduate student J.J. Zanazzi received the York Prize from the
Astronomy Department for academic excellence and service.
- 12/2016: Graduate student Ryan Miranda received postdoc offer from Institute
for Advanced Study (with Roman Rafikov).
- 12/2016: Wenrui Xu will receive the 2017 Yennie Prize from the
Cornell Physics Dept (the highest honor to graduating physics majors).
- 10/2016:
A piece of news story on Lai-Pu paper.
- 9/2016:
Wenrui Xu received the 2016 ASNY (Astronomical Society of
New York) Award for undergraduate research.
- 8/2016:
A bit of fun with Planet Nine.
- 6/2016: Former student from our group,
Jim Fuller (Ph.D.'13), has accepted a tenure-track faculty position in
theoretical astrophysics at Caltech; Jim will take up the position in Fall 2017.
- 6/2016: Graduate student Michelle Vick has been awarded the
NASA Earth and Space Science graduate Fellowship (NESSF).
- 5/2016: Wenrui Xu has received the Cranson and Edna B. Shelley
Undegraduate Research Award for 2016. Wenrui has also received the Hopkins Foundation
Summer Research Fellwoship for 2016.
- 5/2016: Undergraduate Grigory Tabak will move to U. Rochester
for graduate study in the Fall.
- 3/2016:
Dong Lai is awarded
2016 Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics from the
Simons Foundation.
- 9/2015: First year grad student Bonan (Michael)
Pu joins our group.
- 7/15/2015: Natalia Storch successfully passed B-exam. She will move to Caltech as the Burke Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics.
- 7/9/2015:
PNAS paper on circumbinary planets is published.
- 6/2015: Graduate student JJ Zanazzi has been awarded the
NASA Earth and Space Science graduate Fellowship (NESSF).
- 6/2015: Undergraduate student Wenrui Xu has been
selected as a Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential
Research Scholar, Class of 2017. He also received
Hopkins Foundation Summer Research Grant for undergraduates.
- 3/2015: Undergraduate Michael Hammer has received a
NSF graduate fellowship, to move to U. Arizona for graduate study.
- 1/2015: Graduate student Michelle Vick joins our group.
- 12/2014-1/2015: Graduate student
Natalia Storch was awarded prize
postdoc fellowships from Caltech (Burke), Institute for Advanced Study
and Princeton U. (Lyman Spitzer).
- 9/11/2014:
Science paper on hot Jupiter is published.
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