Group Meeting Papers
This list exists on both github
and on Cornell astro
(the latter may be less updated).
1/24/2025 =====================================
1/17/2025 =====================================
- Planet formation and long-term stability in a very
eccentric stellar binary: Stegmann, Grishin, Perets
- Extreme exomoons in WASP-49 Ab: dynamics and detectability:
- The TESS-Keck Survey XXIV: Outer Giants may be More Prevalent in the Presence of Inner Small
Planets: Petigura
- Architecture Classification for Extrasolar Planetary Systems: Howe, J.Becker
- Empirical Constraints on Tidal Dissipation in Exoplanet Host Stars: Millholland
- Interplay between tidal flows and magnetic fields in nonlinear simulations
of stellar and planetary convective envelopes: Astoul, A.Barker
- An Intermediate-mass Black Hole Lurking in A
Galactic Halo Caught Alive during Outburst: EP: C-C Jin
- Populations of Neutron Star Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: G.Israel
- Revealing the χeff-q correlation among Coalescing Binary Black Holes and Evidence for AGN-driven Hierarchical Mergers: Yi-Zhing Fan ***
- Direct evidence for r-process nucleosynthesis in delayed MeV emission from the SGR 1806-20
magnetar giant flare: Patel, Metzger
- A 6.45-hour period coherent radio transient
emitting interpulses: Lee, Caleb, D.Kaplan
- Global 3-D Simulations of Magnetospheric Accretion: II. Hot Spots, Equilibrium Torque, Episodic Wind, and Midplane Outflow: Zhaohuan Zhu
- Science objectives of the Einstein Probe mission: Weimin Yuan
- QPEs as Lense-Thirring precession of super-Eddington flows: Middleton, L.Dai
- Black hole–disc coevolution in the presence of magnetic fields:
refining the Thorne limit with emission from within the plunging region: Mummery
1/10/2025 =====================================
1/3/2025 =====================================
12/27/2024 =====================================
12/20/2024 =====================================
12/13/2024 =====================================
- The Spin-Orbit Alignment of 8 Warm Gas Giant Systems: A.Jordan
- An Obliquity Measurement of the Hot Neptune TOI-1694b: Handley, A.Howard ****
- Simultaneous emission from dust and gas in the planetary debris orbiting
a white dwarf: Manser, Bonsor
- Planetary Dynamos in Evolving Cold Gas Giants: Vigano, Akgun
- Tides on Lava Worlds:
Application to Close-in Exoplanets and the Early Earth-Moon System: Farhat, Laskar
- No dilute core produced in simulations of giant impacts onto Jupiter: Sandnes, Eke,
- A potential exomoon from the predicted planet obliquity of β Pictoris b: Poon, Rein
- A substellar flyby that shaped the orbits of the giant planets: Brown, Malhotra, Rein
- Constraining the origin of magnetic white dwarfs: Eric Blackman
- Simulating a stellar contact binary merger – II. Obtaining a light curve: N.Ivanova
- Channels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation: A.Burrows
- Demystifying shock breakout spectra: Irwin, Hotokezaka
- The birth mass function of neutron stars: Xingjiang Zhu
- Going from 3D common-envelope simulations to fast 1D
simulations: Btonner, ... Ropke ***
12/6/2024 =====================================
11/29/2024 =====================================
11/22/2024 =====================================
11/15/2024 =====================================
11/8/2024 =====================================
11/1/2024 =====================================
10/25/2024 =====================================
10/18/2024 =====================================
10/11/2024 =====================================
10/4/2024 =====================================
9/28/2024 =====================================
9/21/2024 =====================================
9/14/2024 =====================================
9/7/2024 =====================================
Cavitating bubbles in condensing gas as a means of forming clumps, chondrites, and planetesimals: Eugene Chiang
- Star Formation: Simple review:
Rajika Kuruwita, Łukasz Tychoniec, Christoph Federrath
- Horseshoes and spiral waves: capturing the 3D flow induced by a
low-mass planet analytically: Brown, Ogilvie
- Orbital Architectures of Planet-Hosting Binaries III. Testing Mutual
Inclinations of Stellar and Planetary Orbits in Triple-Star Systems:
Elise L. Evans1, Trent J. Dupuy
- Gravitational instability in a planet-forming disk: Nature:
J. Speedie, R. Dong
- An Earth-Mass Planet and a Brown Dwarf in Orbit
Around a White Dwarf (2 Earth mass at 2 AU, BD at 22 au): Keming Zhang, Weicheng Zang, Kareem El-Badry
- TOI-2379 b and TOI-2384 b: two super-Jupiter mass planets transiting
low-mass host stars
- Misaligned Disk and Stellar Oblateness Driven
Sculpting of Exoplanetary Systems: Origin of
Perpendicular Orbits in HD 3167: Tao Fu
- The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White Dwarfs (MEOW) Survey: Mid-Infrared Excess Reveals a Giant
Planet Candidate around a Nearby White Dwarf: Vanderburg
- Disruption of exo-asteroids around white dwarfs and the release of
dust particles in debris rings in co-orbital motion: Veras
- Polar Neptunes are Stable to Tides: Loudon, Millholland
- It’s written in the massive stars: The role of stellar physics in the formation of black holes: Laplace, Podsiadlowski (Fig.15)
- A cosmic formation site of silicon and sulphur revealed by a
new type of supernova explosion: Nature: Gal-Yam
- Repeated partial disruptions in a WD-NS or WD-BH merger modulate the prompt emission of long-duration merger-type GRBs: RF Shen
- Binary progenitor systems for Type Ic supernovae: M.Solar
- Quasi-periodic X-ray eruptions years after a nearby
tidal disruption event: M.Nicholl
- Follow the Mass - A Concordance Picture of Tidal Disruption Events: Krolik
- Indication of rapid magnetic field decay in X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125: S.Popov
- Triple trouble with PSR J1618−3921: Mass measurements and
orbital dynamics of an eccentric millisecond pulsar: Triple?
- Simulating the Galactic population of axion clouds around stellar-origin black holes: Gravitational wave signals in the 10 - 100 kHz band
- Propagation of strong electromagnetic waves in tenuous plasmas: Sironi, Piran
8/30/2024 =====================================
8/23/2024 =====================================
8/16/2024 =====================================
8/9/2024 =====================================
8/2/2024 =====================================
- SOLES XI. The Aligned Orbit of TOI-2533 b, a Transiting Brown Dwarf Orbiting an F8-type Star: Ferreira, M.Rice
- Dust-Gas Coupling in Turbulence- and MHD Wind-Driven Protoplanetary Disks: Implications for Rocky Planet Formation: Yap, Batygin
- The frequency of transiting planetary systems around polluted white dwarfs: Roberts, Farihi
- TESS Giants Transiting Giants VI: Newly Discovered Hot Jupiters Provide Evidence for Efficient
Obliquity Damping After the Main Sequence: N.Saunders, Huber
- The effect of dynamical interactions in stellar birth environments on the
orbits of young close-in planetary systems: J.Owen
- A Testbed for Tidal Migration: the 3D Architecture of an Eccentric Hot Jupiter HD 118203 b
Accompanied by a Possibly Aligned Outer Giant Planet: Zhang, Huber
- Observational Signatures of Circumbinary Discs II: Kinematic
Signatures in Velocity Residuals: Calcino, Price
- KPF Confirms a Polar Orbit for KELT-18 b: Rubenzahl, Fei Dai
- Obliquity Constraints for the Extremely Eccentric Sub-Saturn Kepler-1656 b: Rubenzahl, A.Howard
- An Earth-sized Planet on the Verge of Tidal Disruption: Fei Dai
- Exocomet orbital distribution around βPictoris: Rene Heller
- TOI−757 b: an eccentric transiting mini−Neptune on a 17.5−d
- Evolution of Extremely Soft Binaries in Dense Star Clusters: On the Jupiter Mass Binary Objects: Yihan Wang
- Eccentric planet-disc interactions: orbital migration and eccentricity evolution: Fairbairn, Rafikov
- Detailed abundances of the planet-hosting TOI-1173 A/B system:
Possible evidence of planet engulfment in a very wide binary
- On the suppression of giant planet formation around low-mass stars in clustered environments: S.Huang, Portegies Zwart
- Lower-mass-gap Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters: C.Ye, Rasio
- The extremes of AGN variability: outbursts, deep fades, changing looks,
exceptional spectral states, and semi-periodicities: Rveiew: Komossa
- Shocking and Mass Loss of Compact Donor Stars in Type Ia Supernovae: Wong, Bildsten
- Constraining the AGN formation channel for detected black hole binary mergers up to z=1.5 with the Quaia catalogue: Veronesi, Rossi
- Einstein Probe discovery of a super-soft outburst from CXOU J005245.0−722844:
a rare BeWD binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud:
- A Sea of Black Holes: Characterizing the LISA Signature for Stellar-Origin Black Hole Binaries
- Neutron star kicks plus rockets as a mechanism for forming wide low-eccentricity neutron star binaries: Hirai, Podsiadlowski
- Delayed jet launching in binary neutron star mergers with realistic initial magnetic fields: Rosswog
- Axion-like Particle Effects on Photon Polarization in
High-Energy Astrophysics: Review: G.Galanti
7/26/2024 =====================================
7/19/2024 =====================================
7/12/2024 =====================================
7/5/2024 =====================================
6/28/2024 =====================================
6/21/2024 =====================================
6/14/2024 =====================================
6/7/2024 =====================================
5/31/2024 =====================================
5/24/2024 =====================================
5/17/2024 =====================================
5/10/2024 =====================================
5/3/2024 =====================================
4/26/2024 =====================================
- Host star properties of hot, warm and cold Jupiters in the solar neighborhood from Gaia DR3: clues to formation
- TESS Free-floating Planet Candidate Is Likely a Stellar Flare: Mroz
- Exoplanet Magnetic Fields: review: D.Brian, Melodie Kao
- The fast X-ray transient EP 240315a: a z ∼ 5
gamma-ray burst in a Lyman continuum leaking galaxy: A.Levan
- A Parameter-Free Tour of the Binary Black Hole Population: Callister, Farr
- Three dimensional end-to-end simulation for kilonova emission from a
black-hole neutron-star merger: Shibata
- On the X-ray efficiency of the white dwarf pulsar
candidate ZTF J190132.9+145808.7:
- Bring the Heat: Tidal Heating Constraints for Black Holes
and Exotic Compact Objects from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Data: Chia, Zhou, Ivanov
- LIGO operates with quantum noise below the Standard Quantum Limit
- Evidence for eccentricity in the population of binary black holes observed by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA: Gupte, Buonanno
- Coupled Disk-Star Evolution in Galactic Nuclei and the Lifetimes of QPE Sources: Linial, Metzger
- Unequal-mass, highly-spinning binary black hole mergers in the
stable mass transfer formation channel: Olejak
- Detecting gravitational-wave bursts from black hole binaries in the Galactic Center with LISA: Knee, Naoz
- Dynamical formation of Gaia BH3 in the progenitor globular cluster
of the ED-2 stream
- Formation of a $33\,M_{\odot}$ black hole in a low-metallicity binary: El-Badry
4/19/2024 =====================================
4/12/2024 =====================================
- Doomed Worlds I: No new evidence for orbital decay in a long-term survey of 43 ultra-hot Jupiters: B.Jackson
- Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact Sub-Saturn Systems: M.Rice
- Tidal Disruption of Planetesimals from an Eccentric Debris Disk Following a White Dwarf Natal Kick: Ann-Marie Madigan
- Long-term variability in debris transiting white dwarfs: Gansicke
- Overstability of the 2:1 mean motion resonance: Exploring disc
parameters with hydrodynamic simulations: Kley, Schlichting
- Dynamical and Secular Stability of Mutually Inclined Planetary Systems: Bhaskar, Perets
- Differences between Stable and Unstable Architectures of Compact Planetary Systems: Volk, Malhotra
- Topology of shallow-water waves on the rotating sphere: Fluid dyanmics: Perez, Laibe
- Polluting White Dwarfs with Oort Cloud Comets: Pham, Rein
- Relative Occurrence Rate Between Hot and Cold Jupiters as an Indicator to Probe Planet Migration: Gan, Kangrou Guo
- An efficient tidal dissipation mechanism via stellar magnetic fields: A.Barker
- Searching for Triple Systems Unbound by Supernovae: Kochanek
- Wave optics lensing of gravitational waves: theory and phenomenology of triple
systems in the LISA band: Uzan
- A correlation between hard X-rays and neutrinos in radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN
- A magnetic massive star has experienced a stellar merger: Science: Frost, H.Saha
- Precession and Split of Tilted, Geometrically Thin Accretion Disk: an
Analytical Study: Shen, Chen
- From MRI to SARI: Parametric survey of non-axisymmetric accretion disk instabilities: Keppens
- The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Looking for Signs of Discreteness in the
Gravitational-wave Background: Agazie
- Accretion Flares from Stellar Collisions in Galactic Nuclei: Hu, Loeb
- Stellar black holes can “stretch” supermassive black hole accretion disks: Jian-min Wang
- Repeating partial disruptions and two-body relaxation: Broggi, N.Stone
- Remnant masses from 1D+ core-collapse supernovae simulations: bimodal neutron star mass distribution and black holes in the low-mass gap: Boccioli and Fragione
- Alfv´en Wave Mode Conversion in Neutron Star Magnetospheres: A Semi-analytic
Approach: Alex Chen, Yajie Yuan
- Constraints on the dense matter equation of state from
young and cold isolated neutron stars: Nature: Marino, N.Rea
- Searching for Magnetar Binaries Disrupted by Core-Collapse Supernovae: Sherman, Ravi
- A born ultramassive white dwarf-hot subdwarf
super-Chandrasekhar candidate:
- Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence
of a 2.5–4.5 solar mass Compact Object and a Neutron Star: LIGO
- Ultra-deep cover: an exotic and jetted tidal disruption event candidate disguised as a gamma-ray burst: Nixon, Coughlin
- The black hole low mass X-ray binary V404 Cygni is part
of a wide hierarchical triple, and formed without a kick: Nature: Burdge, El-Badry
- Evolutionary Origin of Ultra-long Period Radio Transients
- Have any LISA verification binaries been found?
- X-ray polarimetric features of Gamma-ray Bursts across varied redshifts and hints for Axion-Like-Particles: Taotao Fang
4/5/2024 =====================================
3/29/2024 =====================================
3/22/2024 =====================================
3/15/2024 =====================================
3/8/2024 =====================================
3/1/2024 =====================================
2/23/2024 =====================================
2/16/2024 =====================================
2/9/2024 =====================================
2/2/2024 =====================================
1/26/2024 =====================================
1/19/2024 =====================================
1/12/2024 =====================================
1/5/2024 =====================================
12/29/2023 =====================================
12/22/2023 =====================================
12/15/2023 =====================================
12/8/2023 =====================================
12/1/2023 =====================================
11/24/2023 =====================================
11/17/2023 =====================================
11/10/2023 =====================================
11/3/2023 =====================================
10/27/2023 =====================================
10/20/2023 =====================================
10/13/2023 =====================================
- A planetary collision afterglow and transit of the resultant debris cloud: Nature: Kenworthy
- Searching for Candidates of Orbital Decays among Transit Exoplanets: Ing-Guey Jiang
- The California Legacy Survey IV. Lonely, Poor, and Eccentric: A Comparison Between Solitary and Neighborly Gas Giants: Rosenthal, Howard
- Astrometry and Precise Radial Velocities Yield a Complete Orbital Solution for the Nearby Eccentric Brown Dwarf LHS 1610 b:
- Stability of coorbital planets around binaries: Adelbert, Kley
- Exoplanet Occurrence Rates from Microlensing Surveys: Review: Mroz
- Can one hear supercontinents in the tides of ocean planets?: Laskar
- Planetary system architectures with low-mass inner planets: Direct imaging exploration of mature systems beyond 1 au: Desgrange, Chauvin
- Floating binary planets from ejections during close stellar encounters: Yihan Wang, Zhaohuan Zhu
- The Not-So Dramatic Effect of Advective Flows on Gas Accretion: Eve Lee
- Investigation on the Orbital Period Variations of NN Ser: Implications for the Hypothetical Planets, the Applegate Mechanism and the Orbital Stability
- Tidal migration of exoplanets around M-dwarfs: frequency-dependent tidal dissipation: Wu, Dewberry, Fuller
- A 12.4 day periodicity in a close binary system after a supernova: Nature: Ping Chen
- Shock-Driven Periodic Variability in a Low-Mass-Ratio Supermassive
Black Hole Binary: Whitley, Ruszkowski
- The look of high-velocity red-giant star collisions: Luc Dessart
- Identifying axion conversion in compact star magnetospheres with radio-wave polarization signatures: KJ Lee, Renxin Xu
- Discovering neutron stars with LISA via measurements of orbital eccentricity in Galactic binaries: C.Moore, Korol
- An Analytic Model For Magnetically-Dominated Accretion Disks: P.Hopkins, Quataert
- The first systematically identified repeating partial tidal disruption event: Ravi, Yao
- The Evolution of Inclined Binary Black Holes in the Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei: Dittmann, H.Li
- The Evolution of Accreting Binaries: from Brown Dwarfs to Supermassive Black Holes: Dittmann, G.Ryan
10/6/2023 =====================================
9/29/2023 =====================================
9/22/2023 =====================================
9/15/2023 =====================================
9/8/2023 =====================================
9/1/2023 =====================================
8/25/2023 =====================================
8/18/2023 =====================================
8/11/2023 =====================================
8/4/2023 =====================================
7/28/2023 =====================================
7/21/2023 =====================================
7/14/2023 =====================================
7/7/2023 =====================================
6/30/2023 =====================================
6/23/2023 =====================================
6/16/2023 =====================================
- An irradiated-Jupiter analogue hotter than the Sun: Nature Astro: Hallakoum, D.Maoz
- Dynamical detection of a companion driving a spiral arm in a
protoplanetary disk: Xie, R.Dong
- Inner Planetary System Gap Complexity is a Predictor of Outer Giant Planets: He, L.Weiss
- The Origin of Universality in the Inner Edges of Planetary Systems: Batygin
- Ohmic dissipation during the formation of super-Earth: Jia, Cong Yu
- Planetesimals drifting through dusty and gaseous white
dwarf debris discs: Types I, II and III-like migration: Veras, Ida
- Oblique rings from migrating exomoons: A possible origin for long-period exoplanets with enlarged radii: Sailenfest
- Torque wiggles — a robust feature of the global disc-planet interaction: Rafikov
- True Polar Wander of Lava Worlds: Kang, Nimmo
- On the frequencies of circumbinary discs in protostellar systems: Bate, Jensen
- Secular dynamics of stellar spin driven by planets inside
Kozai–Lidov resonance: Hanlun Lei
- Observational Signatures of Circumbinary Discs I: Kinematics: Calcino, D.Price
- Discrepant Approaches to Modeling Stellar Tides, and the Blurring of Pseudosynchronization: R.Townsend, M.Sun
- Neutron Star Atmosphere–Ocean Dynamics: Nattila, James Cho
- Distribution of orbital inclinations for tidal disruption events by Kerr black holes: Michael Kesden
- A tera-electronvolt afterglow from a narrow jet in an
extremely bright gamma-ray burst 221009A: Scinece: Lhaaso
6/9/2023 =====================================
6/2/2023 (No Meeting) =====================================
5/26/2023 =====================================
5/19/2023 =====================================
- The Period Distribution of Hot Jupiters is Not Dependent on Host Star Metallicity: Yee, Winn
- Constraining the Thickness of the Atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1 b from its JWST Secondary Eclipse
Observation: Ih, Eliza Kempton
- A catalog of collected debris disks: properties, classifications and
correlations between disks and stars/planets: Cao, Liu
- Rotation reduces convective mixing in Jupiter and other gas giants: Fuente, Cumming
- A hot super-Earth planet in the WASP-84 planetary system: Maciejewski
- Close Encounters of the Interstellar Kind: Exploring the Presence of
Interstellar Objects in Near Earth Orbit: Mukherjee, Trac, Loeb
- Distinguishing Magnetized Disc Winds from Turbulent Viscosity
through Substructure Morphology in Planet-forming Discs: Wu, Yi-Xian Chen
- Simple convective accretion flows (SCAFs):
Explaining the −1 density scaling of hot accretion flows around compact accretors: Wenrui Xu
- Alive and kicking: A new QPE phase in GSN 069 revealing a
quiescent luminosity threshold for QPEs: Miniutti, Arcodia
- Imprint of magnetic obliquity in apparent spin-down of radio pulsars: Biryukov, Beskin
- Apparent dispersion in pulsar braking index measurements caused by
timing noise: Vargas, Melatos
- Identifying Disappearance of a White Dwarf Binary with LISA: Seto
- Neutron star kicks and implications for their rotation at birth: Fragione, Loeb
- Wind-Reprocessed Transients from Stellar-mass Black Hole Tidal
Disruption Events: K.Kremer, Piro
- Tidal Spin-up of Black Hole Progenitor Stars: Ma, Fuller
- Resolving phase transition properties of dense matter through tidal-excited g-mode from inspiring neutron stars: Ang Li
- Phase Transition Phenomenology with Nonparametric Representations of the
Neutron Star Equation of State: R. Essick
5/12/2023 =====================================
5/5/2023 =====================================
4/28/2023 =====================================
4/21/2023 =====================================
4/14/2023 =====================================
4/7/2023 =====================================
3/31/2023 =====================================
3/24/2023 =====================================
3/17/2023 =====================================
- Free-Floating planet Mass Function from MOA-II 9-year survey towards the Galactic Bulge: Sumi
- Terrestrial and Neptune mass free-floating planet candidates from the MOA-II 9-year Galactic Bulge survey
- Hotter than Expected: HST/WFC3 Phase-resolved Spectroscopy of
a Rare Irradiated Brown Dwarf with Strong Internal Heat Flux: Apai
- An unlikely survivor: a low-density hot Neptune
orbiting a red giant star: Nature: Grunblatt, D.Huber
- TTV Constraints on Additional Planets in the WD 1856+534 system: Kubiak, Vanderburg
- Evidence of a radiation belt around a brown dwarf:
- Exciting spiral arms in protoplanetary discs from flybys: Smallwood, Z.Zhu
- Assessing the spin-orbit obliquity of low-mass planets in the
breaking the chain formation model: A story of misalignment: Esteves, Izidoro
- General relativistic precession and the long-term stability
of the solar system: Brown, Rein
- The origin of free-floating planets:
- Orbital stability of two circumbinary planets around misaligned
eccentric binaries: Chen, Lubow, Martin
- Effective two-body scatterings around a massive object: Yihan Wang
- Flares, jets and quasi-periodic outbursts from neutron star merger remnants: Most, Quataert
- Role of Outflow Feedback on Accretion of Compact Objects in Accretion Disk of Active Galactic
Nuclei: Che, Z.Dai
- Eccentric black hole mergers via three-body interactions in young,
globular and nuclear star clusters: Dall'Amico
- Tidal Capture of White Dwarfs by Intermediate-mass Black Holes in Dense Stellar
Environments: Ye, Fragione
- Gravitational wave emission from dynamical stellar interactions: AREPO simulations: Pakmor
- Compact Binary Formation in Open Star Clulsters I: High Formation
Efficiency of Gaia BHs and Their Multiplicities
- A theory of mass transfer in binary stars: Pejcha
3/10/2023 =====================================
3/3/2023 =====================================
2/24/2023 =====================================
- Evidence for Hidden Nearby Companions to Hot Jupiters: Wu, Rice, Songhu Wang
- Sporadic Spin-Orbit Variations in Compact Multi-planet Systems
and their Influence on Exoplanet Climate: H.Chen, Gongjie Li
- A 2:1 Mean-Motion Resonance Super-Jovian pair revealed by TESS, FEROS, and HARPS:
- Coplanar circumbinary planets can be unstable to large tilt oscillations in the presence of an inner polar planet: CHilds, R.Martin
- Kinematics signature of a giant planet in the disk of AS 209: Fedele, Lodato
- Non-perturbative investigation of low eccentricity exterior mean motion
resonances: Malhotra
- Effect of dynamical gravitomagnetic tides on measurability of tidal parameters for
binary neutron stars using gravitational waves: Gupta, Hinderer
- Strongly magnetized accretion in
ultracompact binary systems: Nature: Maccarone
- Absence of the predicted 2022 October outburst of OJ 287 and
implications for binary SMBH scenarios: Komossa
- Measuring mass transfer of AM CVn binaries with a space-based gravitational wave detector: Zhoujian Cao
- Polarization of Fast Radio Bursts: radiation mechanisms and propagation
effects: Qu, Bing Zhang
- Hierarchical Triples as Early Sources of r-process Elements: Bartos
- Ultraluminous X-ray sources: review: A.King, Lasota
- Symmetry breaking in merging binary black holes from young massive clusters and isolated binaries: Banerjee
- GRB 221009A THE BOAT: Eric Burns
- A candidate runaway supermassive black hole identified by shocks and star formation in its wake: van Dokkum
2/17/2023 =====================================
2/10/2023 =====================================
2/3/2023 =====================================
1/27/2023 =====================================
1/20/2023 =====================================
1/13/2023 =====================================
1/6/2023 =====================================
12/30/2022 =====================================
12/23/2022 =====================================
12/16/2022 =====================================
12/9/2022 =====================================
12/2/2022 =====================================
11/25/2022 =====================================
11/18/2022 =====================================
11/11/2022 =====================================
11/4/2022 =====================================
- The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. II. Twenty New Giant Planets: Yee, Winn
- Hot Jupiter engulfment by a red giant in 3D hydrodynamics: Lau, Cantiello
- Measuring the orbit shrinkage rate of hot Jupiters due to tides: Santos
- An analytic solution to measure the gas size in protoplanetary discs in the
viscous self-similar scenario: Toci, Lodato
- TESS Giants Transiting Giants III: An eccentric warm Jupiter supports a period-eccentricity relation for giant planets transiting evolved stars:
- Continuing to Hide Signatures of Gravitational Instability in
Protoplanetary Discs with Planets: Rowther, Nealon
- Sub-stellar engulfment by a main sequence star: where is the lithium?
- Pulsar revival in neutron star mergers: multi-messenger prospects
for the discovery of pre-merger coherent radio emission: Cooper, Wadiasingh
- The Bardeen-Petterson effect, disk breaking, and the spin
orientations of supermassive black-hole binaries: Gerosa
- Extremely Relativistic Tidal Disruption Events: Ryu, Krolik
- Magnetically Dominated Disks in Tidal Disruption Events
and Quasi-Periodic Eruptions: Kaur, N.Stone
- On ALP scenarios and GRB 221009A: Carenza, D.Marsh
10/28/2022 (nm) =====================================
10/21/2022 =====================================
10/14/2022 =====================================
10/7/2022 =====================================
9/30/2022 =====================================
- TOI-5205b: A Jupiter transiting an M dwarf near the Convective Boundary
- Planet-star interactions with precise transit timing
III. Entering the regime of dynamical tides: Maciejewski
- Tilting Uranus via the migration of an ancient satellite: Saillenfest, Crida
- Companions to Kepler giant stars: A long-period eccentric
substellar companion to KIC 3526061: Hatzes
- Turbulence in particle laden midplane layers of planet forming disks: Sengupta, Umurhan
- An Early Catalog of Planet Hosting Multiple Star Systems
of Order Three and Higher: Cuntz
- Tidally-induced migration of TESS gas giants orbiting M dwarfs: Alvarado-Montes
- Magnetic interactions in orbital dynamics: Bromley, Kenyon
- Millimeter Dust Emission and Planetary Dynamics in the HD 106906 System: Fehr, Meredith Hughes
- Formation History of HD106906 and the Vertical Warping of Debris Disks by an External Inclined Companion: Moore, G.Li
- A New Method for Finding Nearby White Dwarf Exoplanets and Detecting
Biosignatures: vanderburg
- HD 23472: A multi-planetary system with three super-Earths and
two potential super-Mercuries: Barros, Alibert
- Evaporation before disruption: comparing timescales for Jovian
planets in star-forming regions: Daffern-Powell
- No peaks without valleys: The stable mass transfer channel for gravitational-wave sources in light of
the neutron star-black hole mass gap: Van Son, de Mink
- Dynamical friction of a massive black hole in a turbulent gaseous
medium: Dubois, Volonteri
- Abundances and Transients from Neutron Star-White Dwarf Mergers: C.Fryer
- A light in the dark: searching for electromagnetic counterparts to black hole-black hole mergers
in LIGO/Virgo O3 with the Zwicky Transient Facility: M.Graham
- Radio Emission and Electric Gaps in Pulsar Magnetospheres: Bransgrove, Beloborodov, Levin
- Searching for Gravitational Waves with CMS
9/23/2022 =====================================
9/16/2022 =====================================
9/9/2022 =====================================
- Density, not radius, separates rocky and water-rich small planets orbiting M dwarf stars: Science: Luque, Palle
- Constraining the Origin of Giant Exoplanets via Elemental
Abundance Measurements: Helled
- New Dynamical State and Habitability of the HD 45364 MMR Planetary System: S.Kane, A.Howard
- A gap at 1 au in the disk of DI Cha A revealed by infrared interferometry: Juhasz, Regaly
- The oscillatory motion of Jupiter’s polar cyclones results from vorticity dynamics: Y.Kaspi
- Rethinking the role of the giant planet instability in terrestrial planet formation models: M.Clement
- Extremely Inclined Orbit of S-type Planet γ Cep Ab Induced by Eccentric Kozai–Lidov Mechanism: Huang, Jianghui Ji
- Life on Exoplanets In the Habitable Zone of M-Dwarfs? R.Martin, Livio
- Quasi-Periodic Erupters: A Stellar Mass-Transfer Model for the Radiation: Krolik, Linial
- A fast rising tidal disruption event from a candidate intermediate mass black hole: Nature Astro: C.Angus, Mockler
- The ultra narrow FRB20191107B, and the origins of FRB scattering: Gupta, Bailes
- Ultramassive black holes formed by triple quasar mergers at z ∼ 2: Di Matteo
- Symmetry Breaking in Repeating Fast Radio Bursts: J.Katz
- Using Anisotropies as a Forensic Tool for Decoding Supernova Remnants: Polin, Duffell
- The population properties of spinning black holes using
Gravitational-wave Transient Catalog 3: Tong, Thrane
- Direct collapse of exceptionally heavy black holes in the
merger-driven scenario: Zwick, L.Mayer
- The X-ray polarimetry view of the accreting pulsar Cen X-3: Tsygankov
- Kicks and Induced Spins of Neutron Stars at Birth: Coleman, Burrows
- Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves
from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 data: LIGO
9/2/2022 =====================================
8/26/2022 =====================================
8/19/2022 (nm) =====================================
8/12/2022 =====================================
8/5/2022 =====================================
- A Criterion for the Stability of Planets in Chains of Resonances: Goldberg, Morby
- Chaotic diffusion of asteroids in the exterior 1:2 mean motion
resonance with Mars: CHristou, Dermott
- Density waves in protoplanetary discs excited by eccentric planets:
linear theory: Fairbairn, Rafikov
- Low Spin-Axis Variations of Circumbinary Planets: Cheng, G.Li
- Growing the seeds of pebble accretion through planetesimal
accretion: Lorek, Johansen
- Spinning up the Surface: Evidence for Planetary Engulfment or Unexpected Angular Momentum Transport? Jamie Tayar
- Constraining Nuclear Symmetry Energy with Multi-messenger Resonant Shattering Flares: D.Tsang
- Neutron stars colliding with binary companions: formation of
hypervelocity stars, pulsar planets, bumpy superluminous supernovae and
Thorne-Żytkow objects: Hirai, Podsiadlowski
- Rapid Rotation of the Strongly Magnetic Ultramassive White Dwarf
EGGR 156: Williams, JJ Hermes
- Massive Black Hole Binaries from the TNG50-3 Simulation: II. Using Dual AGNs to Predict the Rate of Black Hole Mergers: Li, Bogdanovic
- On the impact of relativistic gravity on the rate of tidal disruption events: Coughlin
- Reconnection-powered fast radio transients from coalescing neutron star binaries: E.Most
7/29/2022 =====================================
7/22/2022 =====================================
7/15/2022 (Laetitia) =====================================
7/8/2022 =====================================
7/1/2022 (nm) =====================================
6/24/2022 (nm) =====================================
6/17/2022 (Yubo) =====================================
6/10/2022 (Jiaru) =====================================
6/3/2022 =====================================
5/27/2022 (NM) =====================================
5/20/2022 =====================================
- Weak evidence for variable occultation depth of 55 Cnc e with TESS: Meier Valdes, Morris
- Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of Extrasolar Planets: review: Currie, Lagrange
- Transfer of Rocks between Planetary Systems: Panspermia Revisited: F.Adams
- Accretion onto a binary from a polar circumbinary disc: Smallwood, Lubow
- Accretion rates in hierarchical triple systems with discs: Ceppi, D.Price
- Extreme eccentricities of triple systems: Analytic results: Grishin
- No evidence that the majority of black holes in binaries have zero spin: Callister, Farr
- A Highly Variable Magnetized Environment in a Pulsar Binary resembling Fast Radio Bursts: Dongzi Li
- Wide twin binaries are extremely eccentric: evidence of twin binary formation in circumbinary disks: Hwang, El-Badry
- Anti-glitches in accreting pulsars from superfluid vortex avalanches: Melatos
- Optical follow-up of the tick-tock massive black hole binary candidate: Dotti
- Extreme mass ratio inspirals and tidal disruption events in nuclear
clusters. I. Time dependent rates: Broggi, E.Bortolas
- Binary Interaction Dominates Mass Ejection in Classical Novae: K.Shen, Quataert
- Observing GW190521-like binary black holes and their environment with LISA: Sberna, Sesana
- Polarized x-rays from a magnetar: Science: Taverna, Turolla
5/13/2022 =====================================
5/6/2022 =====================================
4/29/2022 (nm) =====================================
- Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk: Nature: Beibei Liu, Raymond
- Five key exoplanet questions answered via the analysis of 25 hot Jupiter atmospheres in eclipse
- Emerging population of gap-opening planets around type-A stars: Pichierri, Bitsch
- Atmospheric Dynamics of a Near Tidally Locked Earth-Size Planet: Nature Astro: S.Kane
- The Upper Edge of the Neptune Desert Is Stable Against Photoevaporation: Knutson
- The Effects of Disk Induced Apsidal Precession on Planets Captured into Mean Motion Resonance: Z.Murray, Hadden
- Inferring Late Stage Enrichment of Exoplanet Atmospheres from Observed Interstellar Comets: Seligman
- Black hole - black hole total merger mass and the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources: Belcznski
- On the relative importance of AGN winds for the evolution of exoplanet
atmospheres: S.Heinz
- A Kilonova Following a Long-Duration
Gamma-Ray Burst at 350 Mpc: Science
- A peculiarly long-duration gamma-ray burst from binary neutron star merger: Bin-Bin Zhang
- Propagation of a fast radio burst through a birefringent relativistic plasma: Kumar, R.Shannon
- Qu, Kumar, B.Zhang
- The Moving Mirror model for Fast Radio Bursts: Yalinewich, U.Pen
- Mergers prompted by dynamical resonances in compact, multiple-star
systems: a stellar-reduction case for the massive triple TIC 470710327: Vigna-Gomez, B.Liu
- Where are the magnetar binary companions? Candidates from a
comparison with binary population synthesis predictions: Chrimes, Groot
- Non-linear excitation of low frequency modes by overstable
convective modes in rotating stars: Umin Lee
- The Role of the Hadron-Quark Phase Transition in Core-Collapse
Supernovae: B.Muller, Heger
- Detectability of Wandering Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the Milky
Way Galaxy from Radio to X-rays: R.Narayan
- Detailed properties of gravitational-wave mergers from flyby
perturbations of wide binary black holes in the field: Raveh, Perets
- Gravitational waves from small spin-up and spin-down events of neutron stars
: Yim, D.I.Jones
- The Effect of Supernova Convection On Neutron Star and Black Hole Masses: Fryer
4/22/2022 () =====================================
4/15/2022 () =====================================
4/8/2022 () =====================================
4/1/2022 () =====================================
3/25/2022 () =====================================
3/18/2022 (nm) =====================================
3/11/2022 (Laetitia) =====================================
3/4/2022 (Jiaru) =====================================
2/25/2022 () =====================================
2/18/2022 () =====================================
2/11/2022 (Rixin) =====================================
2/4/2022 () =====================================
1/28/2022 () =====================================
1/21/2022 () =====================================
1/14/2022 () =====================================
1/7/2022 (nm) =====================================
12/31/2021 (nm) =====================================
12/24/2021 (nm) =====================================
12/17/2021 () =====================================
12/10/2021 () =====================================
12/3/2021 () =====================================
11/26/2021 (nm) =====================================
11/19/2021 () =====================================
11/12/2021 (Laetitia) =====================================
11/5/2021 () =====================================
- The Warm Neptune GJ 3470b has a Polar Orbit:
- First Doppler Limits on Binary Planets and Exomoons in the HR 8799 System: Vandenburg
- Exoplanet atmosphere evolution: emulation with random forests: J.Rogers, J.Owen
- Interstellar planetesimals: potential seeds for planet formation? Moro-Martin, Norman
- CO gas from the aftermath of a giant impact in the inner
region of a planetary system: Nature: a Schneiderman, Wyatt
- The “Breaking The Chains” migration model for super-Earths
formation: the effect of collisional fragmentation: Izidoro, Raymond
- SimAb: A simple, fast and flexible model to assess the effects of
planet formation on the atmospheric composition of gas giants: Desert, Dominik
- The Stability Boundary of the Distant Scattered Disk: Batygin
- Stellar Wind Effect on the Atmospheric Escape of Hot Jupiters: Mitani, Yoshida
- Turbulent Disk Viscosity and the Bifurcation of Planet Formation
Histories: Speedie, Pudritz
- Orbital Dynamics and the Evolution of Planetary Habitability in the AU Mic System: S.Kane
- The eccentricity distribution of wide binaries and their individual measurements: Hwang, yS Ting
- Multi-messenger Time-domain Signatures Of Supermassive Black Hole
Binaries: Charisi
- How important is secular evolution for black hole and neutron star mergers in 2+2 and 3+1 quadruple-star systems? A.Hamers
- Constraining the nature of FRB-emitting bunches via photo-magnetic
cascades: COpper, Wijers
- Faraday rotation in fast radio bursts: Lyutikov
- Orbit Tomography of Binary Supermassive Black Holes with Very Long Baseline Interferometry: Y.Fang, Huang Yang
- Evolution of equal mass binary bare quark stars in full general relativity: could a supramassive
merger remnant experience prompt collapse? Enping Zhou, Shibata
- On the Origin of Pulsar and Magnetar Magnetic Fields: C.White, Burrows
- Astro 2020 decadal report
10/29/2021 () =====================================
10/22/2021 () =====================================
- TOI-216: Resonant Constraints on Planet Migration: Nesvorny
- The number and location of Jupiter's circumpolar cyclones explained by vorticity dynamics: Nature Astro: Y.Kapsi
- The effect of late giant collisions on the atmospheres of
protoplanets and the formation of cold sub-Saturns: Ali-Dib, Cumming, Lin
- A road-map to white dwarf pollution: Tidal disruption, eccentric
grind-down, and dust accretion: Brouwers, Bonsor
- Barrel Instability in Binary Asteroids: Cuk, Jacobson
- Aligned Orbit of WASP-148b, the Only Known Hot Jupiter with a Nearby Warm Jupiter Companion, from NEID and HIRES: Songhu Wang
- The Ultramassive White Dwarfs of the Alpha Persei Cluster: Heyl
- Black hole-neutron star mergers are unlikely multi-messenger sources: Fragione
- Astrophysical Gravitational-Wave Echoes from Galactic Nuclei: Kocsis
- Escape of Fast Radio Bursts from magnetars' magnetospheres: Lyutikov
- Detection of the Permanent Strain Offset Component of Gravitational-Wave Memory in Black Hole Mergers: Jeff Scargle
- AT2018lqh: Black Hole Born from a Rotating Star? Tsuna, Kashiyama
- Quasars with Periodic Variability: Capabilities and Limitations of Bayesian Searches for
Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Time-Domain Surveys: Witt, S.Taylor
- An accurate analytical fit to the gravitational-wave inspiral duration for eccentric binaries: Mandel
10/15/2021 () =====================================
10/8/2021 (Laetitia) =====================================
10/1/2021 () =====================================
- The dynamics of the TRAPPIST-1 system in the context of its formation: Huang, Ormel
- On the Fate of Interstellar Objects Captured by our Solar System: Napier, Adams, Batygin
- Terrestrial planet formation by torque-driven
convergent migration of planetary embryos: Broz, Nesvorny
- The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI).
Part I: Dry Cases – The fellowship of the GCMs
- Formation of polar terrestrial circumbinary planets: Childs, R.Martin
- A General Origin for Multi-Planetary Systems With Significantly Misaligned USP Planets: J.Becker
- How Complete Are Surveys for Nearby Transiting Hot Jupiters? Yee, Winn
- On the stability of satellites at unstable libration points of
sun–planet–moon systems
- The Tidal-Thermal Evolution of the Pluto-Charon System
- Hot Jupiter formation in dense clusters: secular chaos in multi-planetary
systems: yiHan Wang, Perna
- Dust Traffic Jams in Inclined Circumbinary Protoplanetary Discs I.
Morphology and Formation Theory: Aly, JF Gonzalez, Nealon
- Signatures of a Distant Planet on the Inclination Distribution of the Detached Kuiper Belt: N.Kaib
- Diving Beneath the Sea of Stellar Activity: Chromatic Radial Velocities of the Young AU Mic Planetary System
- Vertical settling of pebbles in turbulent circumbinary discs and the in situ formation of circumbinary planets: Pierens, R.Nelson
- Demographics of Exoplanets in Binaries (DEB). I. Architecture of S-Type Planetary SystemsRevealed by the RV Sample: JW Xie, JL Zhou
- Radio Loud vs. Radio Quiet Gamma-ray Bursts: the Role of Binary Progenitors: Lloyd-Ronning
- A comment on the properties of the matter flow through the first
Langrangian point: Zdziarski
- Mass Transfer and Stellar Evolution of the White Dwarfs in AM CVn Binaries: Wong, Bildsten
- Neutrino Echos following Black Hole Formation in Core-Collapse Supernovae: Evan O'Connor
- Searching for orbital decay in a heartbeat star system KIC
3766353: Ou, Cong Yu
- Impact of Magnetic Braking on High-mass Close
Binary Formation: Harada
- Tidally-excited oscillations in MACHO 80.7443.1718: changing
amplitudes and frequencies, high-frequency tidally-excited mode
and decrease of the orbital period: Udalski
- New simulations of accreting DA white dwarfs: infering accretion rates from the surface contamination: Vauclair
- Observationally driven Galactic double white dwarf population for LISA: Korol, Toonen
9/24/2021 () =====================================
9/17/2021 (Rixin) =====================================
9/10/2021 (JT) =====================================
9/3/2021 (Jiaru) =====================================
8/27/2021 (Chris) =====================================
- A 20-Second Cadence View of Solar-Type Stars and Their Planets with TESS:
Asteroseismology of Solar Analogs and a Re-characterization of π Men c: D.Huber
- On the Detection of Exomoons Transiting Isolated Planetary-Mass Objects: Lambach, Winn
- Terrestrial planet formation in a circumbinary disc around a coplanar
binary: Childs, R.Martin
- From Warm Planets to Perpendicular Hot Planets: R.Dawson
- The Orbit of Planet Nine: Brown, Batygin
- Close stellar flybys common in low-mass clusters: Pfalzner
- Stellar Obliquities in Long-period Exoplanet Systems (SOLES) I: The Spin-Orbit Alignment of K2-140 b: M.Rice, Songhu Wang
- Dust Settling and Clumping in MRI Turbulent Outer Protoplanetary Disks: Xu, Xue-Ning Bai
- Asteroseismic Fingerprints of Stellar Mergers: Rui, J.Fuller
- The Discovery of Two LISA Sources within 0.5 kpc: Kilic
- Resolving the fastest ejecta from binary Neutron Star mergers: implications for electromagnetic counterparts: Dean, Fernandez
- Stellar Core-Merger-Induced Collapse: New Formation Pathways
for Black Holes, Thorne-Zytkow objects, Magnetars and
Superluminous Supernovae: Ablimit, Podsiadlowski
- Resonant tidal responses in rotating fluid bodies: global modes hidden beneath localized wave beams: Lin, Ogilvie
- Chromatic periodic activity down to 120 megahertz in a FRB: Nature
- Constraints on compact binary merger evolution from spin-orbit
misalignment in gravitational-wave observations: Gompertz, Vecchio
8/20/2021 (nm) =====================================
8/13/2021 (Yubo) =====================================
- TESS Giants Transiting Giants I: A Non-inflated Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Massive Subgiant: Saunders, Huber
- A pair of warm giant planets near the 2:1 mean motion resonance around the K-dwarf star TOI-2202: Trifonov
- TOI-431/HIP 26013: a super-Earth (USP) and a sub-Neptune transiting a
bright, early K dwarf, with a third RV planet: Osborn, F.Dai
- Extreme Variability of the V488 Persei Debris Disk: G.Rieke
- Dynamical stability of giant planets: the critical adiabatic index in the
presence of a solid core: Kundu, E.Coughlin
- The importance of thermal torques on the migration of planets
growing by pebble accretion: Guilera, Masset
- Infrared dust echoes from neutron star mergers: W.Lu, McKee
- Partial, zombie, and full tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes: Nixon
- Unstable modes of hypermassive compact stars driven by viscosity and
gravitational radiation: Rau, Sedrakian
- The maximum accreted mass of recycled pulsars: Li, Z.Han
- Prospective Sensitivities of Atom Interferometers to Gravitational Waves and
Ultralight Dark Matter: Badurina, J.Ellis
8/6/2021 (Laetitia) =====================================
7/30/2021 (Rixin) =====================================
7/23/2021 (JT) =====================================
- Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT ‘EM) Survey. II.
Discovery of a Failed Hot Jupiter on a 2.7 Year, Highly Eccentric Orbit: Dalba, S.Kane, Howard
- Detection and Bulk Properties of the HR 8799 Planets with High Resolution Spectroscopy: Jason Wang
- Hiding Planets Near and Far: Predicting Hidden Companions for Known Planetary Systems: Faridani, Naoz
- Protoplanetary disk birth in massive star forming clumps: the essential role of the magnetic field: Hennebelle
- DPNNet-2.0 Part I: Finding hidden planets from simulated images of protoplanetary disk gaps: Auddy, MK Lin
- Laplace surface dynamics, revisited: satellites, exo-planets and debris with
distant, eccentric companions: Farhat, Touma
- An Analytic Solution to the Kozai-Lidov Evolution Equations: Lubow
- Magnetic topology in coupled binaries, spin-orbital resonances, and flares: Cherkis, Lyutikov
- Hints of spin-orbit resonances in the binary black hole population: V.Varma
- A hot subdwarf–white dwarf super-Chandrasekhar
candidate supernova Ia progenitor: Nature Astro: Pelisoli
- Numerical Simulations of the Random Angular Momentum in
Convection: Implications for Supergiant Collapse to Form BHs: Antoni, Quataert
- LIGO–Virgo correlations between mass ratio and effective inspiral spin:
testing the active galactic nuclei channel: McKernan
- A bimodal burst energy distribution of a repeating fast radio
burst source: D.Li
- Sub-second periodicity in a fast radio burst (FRB): CHIME
- Feedback-Dominated Accretion Flows: AGN disks: N.Stone
- Gravitational Self-Lensing in Populations of Massive Black Hole Binaries: Kelley, D'Orazio
- X-ray bounds on cooling, composition, and magnetic field of the
Cassiopeia A neutron star and young central compact objects: Wynn Ho
- Axion-photon conversion in strongly magnetised plasmas: A.Millar, M.C.D.Marsh
7/16/2021 (Jiaru) =====================================
7/9/2021 (Laetitia) =====================================
7/2/2021 (Chris) =====================================
6/25/2021 (Yubo) =====================================
6/18/2021 (NM) =====================================
6/11/2021 =====================================
6/4/2021 =====================================
- The First Dynamical Mass Measurement in the HR 8799 System: T.Brandt
- New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS) VI. Peas in a pod: Mishra, Alibert
- Sculpting the sub-Saturn Occurrence Rate via Atmospheric Mass Loss: E.Lee
- Oort cloud Ecology II: The chronology of the formation of the
Oort cloud: Portegies Zwart, Cai
- Understanding the angular momentum evolution of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars
- The Aligned Orbit of the Eccentric Warm Jupiter K2-232 b: Songhu Wang, Winn
- Thermal Wave Instability as an Origin of Gap and Ring Structures in Protoplanetary Disks: Ueda, Birnstiel
- Seeking echoes of circumstellar disks in Kepler light curves: Bromley, Kenyon
- Evidence Suggesting that ’Oumuamua is the ∼ 30 Myr-old product of a Molecular Cloud: Laughlin
- CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs
Spectroscopic orbits of nine M-dwarf multiple systems, including two triples,
two brown dwarf candidates, and one close M-dwarf–white dwarf binary
- Accretion of tidally disrupted asteroids onto white dwarfs: direct
accretion versus disk processing: Daohai Li, M.Davies
- TOI-674b: an oasis in the desert of exo-Neptunes transiting a
nearby M dwarf:
- GW190521 formation via three-body encounters in young
massive star clusters: Mapelli
- Energetic Explosions from Collisions of Stars at Relativistic Speeds in Galactic Nuclei: Xu, Loeb
- Eclipsing White Dwarf Binaries in Gaia and the Zwicky Transient Facility: Keeler
- Merging timescale for supermassive black hole binary in
interacting galaxy NGC 6240: Spurzem
- Who Ordered That? Unequal-mass binary black hole mergers have larger effective spins: Callister, Farr
- Analytic derivation of the inertial range of compressible turbulence: Goldman
5/28/2021 =====================================
- A Preponderance of Perpendicular Planets: S.Albrecht
- Orbital Decay of Short-Period Exoplanets via Tidal Resonance Locking: Ma, Fuller
- California Legacy Survey II. Occurrence of Giant Planets Beyond the Ice line: Fulton
- lifetimes of protoplanetary disks in hierarchical triple star systems
and a possible explanation for HD 98800 B: Ronco
- ‘Oumuamua as a light sail – evidence against artificial origin
- Radius and mass distribution of ultra-short period planets: L.Rogers
- Born extra-eccentric: A broad spectrum of primordial configurations of the gas giants that match their present-day orbits: Clement, Kaib
- Survival of exomoons around exoplanets: Dobos, Charnoz
- Primordial Obliquities of Brown Dwarfs and Super-Jupiters from
Fragmenting Gravito-Turbulent Discs: Jennings, Chiang
- TIC 454140642: A Compact, Coplanar, Quadruple-lined Quadruple Star System Consisting of Two
Eclipsing Binaries: Kostov, Borkovitz
- Distribution of Effective Spins and Masses of Binary Black Holes
from the LIGO and Virgo O1–O3a Observing Runs: Roulet
- Supernova explosions in active galactic nuclei discs: Grishin
- A repeating fast radio burst source in a globular cluster: Kirsten, Hessels
- Burst timescales and luminosities link young pulsars and fast radio bursts: Nimmo
- A Bright Fast Radio Burst from FRB 20200120E with Sub-100-Nanosecond Structure: Majid, Petroff
- Black hole science with the LISA: Sesana
- Looking for the parents of LIGO’s black holes" Baibhav, Berti
5/21/2021 =====================================
- TKS X: Confirmation of TOI-1444b and a Comparative Analysis of the Ultra-short-period Planets with Hot Neptunes: Fei Dai
- How Close are Compact Multi-Planet Systems to the Stability Limit? Yee, Tamayo
- Orbital migration and circularization of tidal debris by Alfv´en-wave drag:
circumstellar debris and pollution around white dwarfs: Zhang, Liu, Doug Lin
- Thresholds for Particle Clumping by the Streaming Instability: Rixin Li
- A Tidal Origin for a 3-body Resonance in Kepler-221: Goldberg, Batygin
- A CHEOPS White Dwarf Transit Search: Morris, K.Heng
- In situ formation of hot Jupiters with companion super-Earths: Poon, R.Nelson
- NGTS-19b : A high mass transiting brown dwarf in a 17-day, e=0.38 orbit
- Limits on Millimeter Continuum Emission from Circumplanetary Material in the DSHARP Disks: S.Andrews
- Neutron Star Mergers and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Stripping Model: Blinnikov
- Explaining the LIGO black hole mass function with field binaries: Revisiting Stellar Evolution at low Metallicity or Invoking Growth via gas accretion? Ramirez-Ruiz
- Boxing Day Surprise: Higher Multipoles and Orbital Precession in GW151226: Chia, Liang Dai
- Binary neutron star merger in common envelope jet supernovae: Soker
- The time delay distribution and formation metallicity of LIGO-Virgo’s binary black holes: Fishbach, Kalogera
- Breaching the limit: formation of GW190521-like and IMBH mergers in young massive clusters: Arca Sedda, J.Ostriker
- Neutron Star Quantum Death by Small Black Holes: Giffin, Profumo
5/14/2021 =====================================
5/7/2021 =====================================
4/30/2021 =====================================
4/23/2021 =====================================
4/16/2021 =====================================
4/9/2021 =====================================
- Warm Jupiters in TESS Full-Frame Images: A Catalog and Observed Eccentricity Distribution for Year 1: J.Dong, C.Huang, Dawson
- Magnetic and tidal migration of close-in planets: Ahuir, Strugarek
- Constraining planetesimal stirring: how sharp are debris disc edges?: S.Marino
- Wide-orbit exoplanets are common.
Analysis of nearly 20 years of OGLE microlensing survey data: Poleski, Mroz
- A detailed characterization of HR 8799’s debris disk with ALMA: Faramaz, Marino
- Significant improvement in planetary system simulations from statistical averaging: D.Hernandez, Agol
- Building the Galilean moons system via pebble accretion and migration: A
primordial resonant chain: Izidoro
- Which planets trigger longer-lived vortices: low-mass or high-mass? M.Hammer, MK Lin
- Inside-Out Planet Formation: VI. Oligarchic Coagulation of
Planetesimals from a Pebble Ring?: Cai, Jonathan Tan
- Survival times of supramassive neutron stars resulting from binary
neutron star mergers: Wenbin Lu
- Wet Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals May Be More Common For
Spaceborne Gravitational Wave Detection: Z.Pan, H.Yang
- Fast radio bursts and their high-energy counterpart from magnetar magnetospheres: Y.Yang, B.Zhang
- The emergence of a new source of X-rays from the binary
neutron star merger GW170817
- Probing supermassive stars and massive black hole seeds through
gravitational wave inspirals: Raveh, Perets
4/2/2021 =====================================
3/26/2021 =====================================
3/19/2021 =====================================
3/12/2021 =====================================
3/5/2021 =====================================
- MRI-active inner regions of protoplanetary discs. I. A detailed
model of disc structure: Jankovic, J.Owen
- Collision rates of planetesimals near mean-motion resonances: T.Quinn, Boley
- The theory of kinks — I. A semi-analytic model of velocity perturbations
due to planet-disc interaction: Lodato, D.Price
- A canonical transformation to eliminate resonant perturbations: Kocsis
- Survival of ALMA Rings in the Absence of Pressure Maxima: Ormel
- Rapid Formation of Super-Earths Around Low-Mass Stars: Zawadzki, E.Ford
- Increased isolation mass for pebble accreting planetary cores in
pressure maxima of protoplanetary discs: Regaly
- The Impact of Stellar Clustering on the Observed Multiplicity and Orbital Periods of PlanetarySystems: Longmore, Chevance, Kruijssen
- History of the Solar Nebula from Meteorite Paleomagnetism: Review: B.Weiss, XN Bai
- Exoplanet Statistics and Theoretical Implications: Review: W.Zhu, Subo Dong
- A test of the planet-star unipolar inductor for magnetic white dwarfs: Walters, Farihi
- Stellar Evolution in the Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei Produces Rapidly Rotating Massive Stars: A.Jermyn
- Accretion onto Stars in the Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei: Dittman, Cantiello
- binary black hole formation channels after GWTC-2: young star clusters versus isolated binaries: Mapelli
- A self-lensing binary massive black hole interpretation of
quasi-periodic eruptions: A.Ingram
- GWs from Pop III binary BHs are consistent with LIGO/Virgo O3a
data for the chirp mass larger than 20Sun: T.Nakamura
- A nearby repeating fast radio burst in the direction of M81: V.Kaspi
- Numerical Inside View of Hypermassive Remnant Models for GW170817: Kastaun, Ohme
- The first evidence for three-dimensional spin-velocity
alignment in pulsars: Nature Astro: Yao, Weiwei Zhu
- Orbital Evolution of NS-WD Binaries by
Roche-Lobe Overflow and Gravitational Wave Radiation: Yu, Youjun Lu
- Actinide crystallization and fission reactions in cooling white dwarf stars: C.Horowitz
- Outflow Bubbles from Compact Binary Mergers Embedded in Active Galactic Nuclei:
Cavity Formation and the Impact on Electromagnetic Counterparts: Murase, Bartos
- Axions: From Magnetars and Neutron Star Mergers to Beam Dumps and BECs: Review: J-F Fortin
2/26/2021 =====================================
2/19/2021 =====================================
2/12/2021 =====================================
2/5/2021 =====================================
- Icy Exomoons Evidenced by Spallogenic Nuclides in Polluted White Dwarfs: Doyle, Desch, Young
- Discovery of Beryllium in White Dwarfs Polluted by Planetesimal Accretion: Klein, Young
- The Demographics of Wide-Separation Planets: Review: Gaudi
- Revisiting the Planet Mass and Stellar Metallicity Relation
for Low-Mass Exoplanets Orbiting GKM Class Stars: Jiang
- Dust Transport in Protoplanetary Disks with Wind-driven Accretion: X.Bai
- On a Possible Solution to the Tidal Realignment Problem for Hot Jupiters: K.Anderson, Winn
- Steady state by recycling prevents premature collapse of
protoplanetary atmospheres: Kley, Ormel
- A 75% Occurrence Rate of Debris Discs around F stars in the 𝛽 Pic Moving Group: Pawellek, Wyatt
- Spiral structures in gravito-turbulent gaseous disks: Kley, Latter
- Multimessenger signals from black hole-neutron star mergers without significant tidal disruption: East, Lehner
- Spin misalignment of black hole binaries from young star clusters:
comparison to GWTC-2 gravitational wave data: Trani, Leigh
- Long-term evolution of a merger-remnant NS in GRMHD I: Effect of magnetic winding: M.Shibata
- Circumbinary Disk Accretion into Spinning Black Hole Binaries: S.Noble
- Prospects of gravitational-waves detections from common-envelope evolution with LISA: Renzo, Cantiello
- Asymmetrical mass ejection from proto-white dwarfs and the formation of eccentric millisecond pulsar binaries: XD Li
- Neutron Stars Harboring a Primordial Black Hole: Maximum Survival Time: Baumgarte, Shapiro
- Wave Dark matter: Review: Lam Hui
- Ramanujan Machine: Nature
1/28/2021 =====================================
1/21/2021 =====================================
1/14/2021 =====================================
1/7/2021 =====================================
1/1/2021 (nm) =====================================
12/25/2020 (nm) =====================================
12/18/2020 =====================================
12/11/2020 =====================================
12/4/2020 =====================================
11/27/2020 =====================================
11/20/2020 =====================================
- Binary Planetesimal Formation from Gravitationally
Collapsing Pebble Clouds: Nesvorny, R.Li
- Searching for proto-planets with MUSE: Xie, Snellen
- Kepler-90: Giant transit-timing variations reveal a super-puff: Liang, Seljak
- Oort cloud Ecology II: Extra-solar Oort clouds and the origin of
asteroidal interlopers: Portegies Zwart
- Testing the Jeans, Toomre and Bonnor-Ebert concepts for planetesimal formation:
3D streaming instability simulations of diffusion regulated formation of planetesimals: Klahr
- Deep convection-driven vortex formation on Jupiter and Saturn: Yadav, Bloxham
- Inverse Tides in Pulsating Binary Stars: Fuller
- Growing and Trapping Pebbles with Fragile Collisions of
Particles in Protoplanetary Disks: P.Pinilla
- The impact of varied migration and gas accretion rates for
the formation of giant planets in the pebble accretion scenario: Ndugu,Bitsch, Morby
- The Probability that a Rocky Planet’s Composition Reflects its Host Star: Schulze, Ji Wang
- Emission of magnetar bursts and precursors of neutron star mergers: Beloborodov
- Binary Neutron Star Mergers in AGN Accretion Disks: Cocoon and Ejecta Shock Breakouts: B.Zhang
- Igniting weak interactions in neutron-star post-merger accretion disks: De, Siegel
- Successful Common Envelope Ejection and Binary Neutron Star Formation in 3D Hydrodynamics: Law-Smith, Ramirez-Ruiz
- Search for Black Hole Merger Families: Veske, Samsing
- Black hole spin evolution in warped accretion discs: Cenci, Dotti
- Observational Constraints on Black Hole Spin: Review: C.Reynolds
- Implications of recoil kicks for black hole mergers from LIGO/Virgo catalogs: Fragione
- Electromagnetic Signatures of Relativistic Explosions in AGN Disks: Perna
11/13/2020 =====================================
- Accretion of Gas Giants Constrained by the Tidal Barrier: yaping Li, Doug Lin
- Radiogenic Heating and its Influence on Rocky Planet Dynamos and Habitability: Nimmo, S.Faber
- The Demographics of Exoplanets: Review: Gaudi
- Hiding Signatures of Gravitational Instability in Protoplanetary Discs with Planets: Meru, Kennedy
- Search for giant planets around seven white dwarfs in the Hyades cluster: Zinnecker
- The fate of planetesimals formed at planetary gap edges: Eriksson, Johansen
- High Eccentricities and High Masses Characterise Gravitational-wave
Captures in Galactic Nuclei: Kocsis
- Measuring Individual Masses of Binary White Dwarfs with LISA: Wolz, K.Yagi
- Gravitational Waves from Disks Around Spinning Black Holes: PP instability: Wessel, Shapiro
- On the Non-detection of Circular Polarisation from Repeating FRBs: Dai, C.Wang
- A diversity of wave-driven pre-supernova outbursts: Wu, Fuller
- High Frequency QPOs in X-ray Binaries, Tidal Disruption Events, and Active Galactic Nuclei: Wagoner
- Evidence for hierarchical black hole mergers in the second LIGO–Virgo gravitational-wave catalog: Kimball, Kalogera
11/6/2020 =====================================
10/30/2020 =====================================
10/23/2020 =====================================
10/16/2020 =====================================
- (Zeipel-Lidov-)Kozai Migration Naturally Explains the White Dwarf Planet WD1856b: Munoz
- A Magnetized, Moon-Forming Giant Impact: Mullen, Gammie
- Constraining Spin Evolution in the Planetary-Mass Regime: Bryan, Ginzburg
- KMT-2017-BLG-2820 and the Nature of the Free-Floating Planet Population: Ryu, Mroz, Gould
- CzeV1731: The unique doubly eclipsing quadruple system: P.Zasche,
- The Effect of Impact Parameter on Tidal Disruption Events: P.Chang
- Microsecond polarimetry of the repeating FRB 20180916B: Nimmo, Hessels, Cordes
- Oscillations of hypermassive compact stars with gravitational radiation and viscosity: Rau, Sedrakian
- Golden galactic binaries for LISA: mass-transferring white dwarf black hole binaries: Sberna, C.Miller
- Detectable environmental effects in GW190521-like black-hole binaries with LISA: Toubiana
- Hierarchical Formation Of An Intermediate Mass Black Hole Via Seven Mergers: Implications For GW190521: Melatos
- Population III Binary Black Holes: Effects of Convective Overshooting on
Formation of GW190521: A.Tanikawa
- FRB 181112 as a Rapidly-Rotating Massive Neutron Star just after a Binary Neutron Star Merger? Tamasaki, T. Totani
10/9/2020 =====================================
10/2/2020 =====================================
9/25/2020 =====================================
9/18/2020 =====================================
9/11/2020 =====================================
9/4/2020 =====================================
8/28/2020 =====================================
8/21/2020 =====================================
8/14/2020 =====================================
8/7/2020 =====================================
7/31/2020 =====================================
7/24/2020 =====================================
- Grain size survival threshold in one-planet
post-main-sequence exoplanetary systems: Veras
- significant mutual inclination between the planets within the π Men system: R.Dawson
- Deep rotating convection generates the polar hexagon on Saturn: Yadav, Bloxham
- Ultra-short-period Planets are Stable Against Tidal Inspiral: Hamer, Schlaufmnan
- Orbital evolution of Saturn’s moons due to the interaction
between the moons and rings: Ida
- The Case for an Early Solar Binary Companion: Siraj, Loeb
- The Wide-Binary Origin of The Pluto-Charon System: Grishin, Perets
- Orbital misalignment of the super-Earth π Men c with the spin of its star: Triaud
- Orbital period modulation in hot Jupiter systems: Lanza
- Constraining the oblateness of transiting planets with
photometry and spectroscopy: Santos
- Unveiling the Planet Population at Birth: J.Owen
- Two Directly Imaged, Wide-orbit Giant Planets around the Young, Solar Analog TYC 8998-760-1: A.Bohn
- Accretion of eroding pebbles and planetesimals in planetary
envelopes: G.Wurm
- Interactions Among Non-Interacting Particles in Planet Formation Simulations: Batygin
- The survival of resonant and non-resonant planetary
systems in star clusters: Stock, Maxwell Cai
- On the orbital evolution of binaries with circumbinary discs: Heath, Nixon
- Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers from Gravitational Wave Captures: Hoang, Naoz
- A new spin on LIGO-Virgo binary black holes: Vitale, V.Varma
- Pulsar timing signatures of circumbinary asteroid belts: Cordes
- Internal circulation in tidally locked massive binary stars -
Consequences for double BH formation: N.Langer
- Common-envelope evolution with an AGB star: Sand, Pakmor
7/17/2020 =====================================
7/10/2020 =====================================
7/3/2020 =====================================
6/26/2020 =====================================
6/19/2020 =====================================
6/12/2020 =====================================
6/5/2020 =====================================
5/29/2020 =====================================
- Tidal Inflation Reconciles Low-Density Sub-Saturns with Core Accretion: Millholland
- Giant planet formation at the pressure maxima of PPDs: hybrid model
- Preservation of Super Earths and the Emergence of Gas Giants: Hui Li, Doug Lin
- Observed sizes of planet-forming disks trace viscous spreading: Trapman, van Dishoeck
- Searching for Black Holes in the Outer Solar System with LSST: Loeb
- Evidence that Oumuamua was composed of molecular hydrogen ice: Seligman
- Exploration of the outer solar system with fast and small sailcraft: White paper: Turyshev, Loeb, Witten
- non-thermal X-ray burst with the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154 and a FRB
using Insight-HXMT: Nature
- Evolution of gas disc–embedded intermediate mass ratio inspirals in the LISA band: Derdzinski, Duffell
- The former companion of the hyper-velocity star S5-HVS1, fate of tidal captured star: Wenbin Lu
- e host galaxies and progenitors of Fast Radio Bursts localized with ASKAP: Bhandari, Shannon
- A census of baryons in the Universe from localized fast radio bursts: Nature: Macquart
- High time resolution and polarisation properties of ASKAP-localised FRBs: Day, Shannon
- The fates of massive stars: Agrawal, Hurley
- TDE review: E.Rossi, Stone
5/22/2020 =====================================
- A Gas Giant Planet in the OGLE-2006-BLG-284L Stellar Binary System: circumstellar or circumbinay planet: D.Bennett
- Erosion of planetesimals by gas flow: Schaffer, A.Johansen
- Formation of Giant Planet Satellites: Batygin, Morby
- Atmospheric Escape of HJs around Hot Stars: Far-UV and Photoelectric Heating Effect: Mitani, Yoshida
- VLT/SPHERE survey for exoplanets around young, early-type stars including systems with multi-belt architectures: Lombart, Chauvin
- SPHERE observations of binary-circumbinary disk interactions in GG Tau A
- An Analytic Model for an Evolving Protoplanetary Disk with a Disk Wind: J.Chambers
- Hints of a Population of Solar System Analog Planets from ALMA: Long, Bergin
- Possible evidence of ongoing planet formation in AB Aurigae: ALMA/SPHERE: Boccaletti
- Binary-induced spiral arms inside the disc cavity of AB Aurigae: misaligned circumbinary disk: Poblete, Price
- PTFO 8-8695: binary, dipper: Bouma, Winn
- Tidal evolution of exoplanetary systems hosting Potentially Habitable Exoplanets: Ferraz-Mello
- Convective Excitation and Damping of Solar-like Oscillations: Asplund
- A stream of hypervelocity stars from the Galactic Center: Generozov
- Gas-driven inspiral of binaries in thin accretion disks: Tiede, Haiman
- Mergers of Equal-Mass Binaries with Compact Object Companions
from Mass Transfer in Triple Star Systems: N.Leigh
- Bright X-ray and Radio Pulses from a Recently Reactivated Magnetar: Pearlman, Prince
- Binary NS Merger Simulations with a Calibrated Turbulence Model: Radice
- Differential circumbinary accretion on the GW Background: Siwek, Kelley, Herquist
- the maximum stellar rotation to form a BH without an accompanying luminous transient: Ramirez-Ruiz
- Observability of Kinematically Offset Binary AGN: L.Kelley
- A bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar: CHIME
- A fast radio burst associated with a Galactic magnetar: Borchenek, Kulkarni
- Apparent Superluminality of Lensed Gravitational Waves: Wayne Hu
5/15/2020 =====================================
5/8/2020 =====================================
5/1/2020 =====================================
- The efficiency of dust trapping in ringed proto-planetary discs: Rosotti
- Measuring turbulent motion in planet-forming disks with ALMA: Flaherty, M.Hughes
- The Challenge of Forming a Fuzzy Core in Jupiter: Helled, Cumming
- Dynamical friction with radiative feedback: Masset
- How Consumption and Repulsion Set Planetary Gap
Depths and the Final Masses of Gas Giants: Rosenthal, Chiang
- Debris Disk Results from the GPI’s Polarimetric Imaging Campaign: Kalas
- Electromagnetic induction heating as a driver of volcanic activity on massive rocky planets
- Scattered light may reveal the existence of ringed exoplanets: Zuluaga
- Searching for a Black Hole in the Outer Solar System: E.Witten
- The Brute-Force Search for Planet Nine: S.Lawrence
- A transiting system with two interacting giant planets: 8.8,34days, 4:1 MMR
- KELT-9 b’s Asymmetric TESS Transit Caused by Rapid Stellar Rotation and Spin-Orbit Misalignment: Ahlers, Stassun
- Tilting Uranus: Collisions vs. Spin-Orbit Resonance: D.Hamilton
- Making GW190412: isolated formation of a 30+10 Msun binary black-hole merger: Olejak, Belczynski
- Magnetospheric interaction in white dwarf binaries AR Sco and AE Aqr: Lyutikov
- Spin Evolution of Stellar-mass Black Hole Binaries in Active Galactic Nuclei: Tagawa, Haiman
- Orbital Migration of Interacting Stellar Mass Black Holes in Disks around Supermassive Black Holes: Mac Low
- Localizing merging black holes with gravitational-wave lensing: Hannuksela, T.Li
- super-orbital periods in ULX pulsars: Townsend, Charles
4/24/2020 =====================================
4/17/2020 =====================================
4/10/2020 =====================================
4/3/2020 =====================================
- WASP-4 is Accelerating Toward the Earth: Bouma, Winn
- Radial migration of gap-opening planets in protoplanetary disks. II. The case of a planet pair: Kanagawa
- Giant Planet Influence on the Collective Gravity of a Primordial Scattered Disk: A.M.Madigan
- Cassini states of a rigid body with a liquid core: G.Boue
- Very Slow Rotators from Tidally Synchronized Binaries: Nesvorny
- The structure and mass delivery towards circumplanetary discs: A.Johansen
- Uranian Satellite Formation by Evolution of a Water Vapor
Disk Generated by a Giant Impact: Nature Astro: S.Ida
- Electric heating and angular momentum transport in
laminar models of PPDs: Bethune, Latter
- Young ”Neptune Desert”-Dwelling Planet K2-100b: E.Gaidos
- Analytical solution of the Colombo top problem: Vokrouhlicky
- Thermally Driven Angular Momentum Transport in Hot Jupiters: Cong Yu
- Retrograde-rotating exoplanets experience obliquity excitations in an eccentricity-enabled resonance: Lissauer
- Robustly detecting changes in warm Jupiters’ transit impact parameters: R.Dawson
- Near-infrared variability in dusty white dwarfs: Rogers, Jura
- NGTS discover the most eccentric known M-Dwarf binary system: Acton
- The mass gap, the spin gap, and the origin of merging binary black holes: Gerosa, Berti
- Radiation Forces Constrain the FRB Mechanism: Kumar, Wenbin Lu
- FRB Coherent Emission from Decay of Alfven Waves: Kumar
- Periodicity in recurrent fast radio bursts and the origin of ultra long
period magnetars: Beniamini, Metzger
- Gravitational waves from transient neutron star f-mode oscillations: W.Ho
- Triple common envelope evolution: H.Perets
- Lessons learned from CHIME repeating FRBs: W.Lu
- A retrogradely rotating neutron star in the X-ray pulsar GX 301−2: Poutanen
- Pulsing and Non–Pulsing ULXs: the Iceberg Emerges: A.King
- Differential rotation in neutron stars with open and closed
magnetic topologies: Melatos
- Massive black hole binaries in sub-pc resolution simulations of smooth circumnuclear gas disks: Lima, L.Mayer
- TDEs of white dwarfs: Review: Maguire, Jonker, MacLeod
- Axisymmetric Radiative Transfer Models of Kilonovae: Fryer
- Axion oscillations in binary systems: angle-action surgery: Grishin
3/27/2020 =====================================
- Planetesimals in Rarefied Gas: Wind Erosion in Slip Flow: Damirci, Wurm
- A remnant planetary core in the hot Neptunian desert: Nature: Armstrong
- Stellar wind effects on the atmospheres of close-in giants: Vidotto
- Magnetohydrodynamic modelling of star-planet interaction
and associated auroral radio emission: Turnpenney
- TOI-1130: a hot Jupiter with an inner transiting Neptune: C.Huang
- An information theoretic framework for classifying exoplanetary system architectures: Gilbert, Fabrycky
- Giants eating giants: Mass loss and
giant planets modifying the luminosity of the Tip of the Giant Branch: Jimenez, Verde
- Orbital Parameter Determination for Wide Stellar Binary Systems in the Age of Gaia: Pearce, A.Kraus
- Transit Duration Variations in Multi-Planet Systems: A.Boley
- Cold Temperatures Retrieved from Transmission Spectra of Exoplanet Atmospheres: N.Lewis
- The Planetary Luminosity Problem: “Missing Planets” and the Observational Consequences of Episodic Accretion: Brittain, Najita, R.Dong
- A WD with 317-Second Rotation and Magnetic Emission (maybe driven by planet): JJ Hermes
- Universal interferometric signatures of a black hole’s photon ring: Science Adv: M.Johnson, Strominger
- Energy Optimization in Binary Star Systems: Explanation for Equal Mass Members in Close Orbits: F.Adams
- Mass discrepancy in intermediate- and high-mass eclipsing
binaries: the need for higher convective core masses
- TDE rates: review: N.Stone
- The heavier the better: how to constrain mass ratios and
spins of high-mass NS mergers: E.Most
- Prompt Accretion Disk Formation in an X-Ray Faint Tidal Disruption Event: T.Hung, Foley
- Gravitomagnetic tidal resonance in neutron-star binary inspirals: E.Poisson
- Monolithic Supermassive Stars: Woods, A.Heger
- A Shining Death of Unequal Supermassive Black Hole Binaries: X.Chen, Doug Lin
3/20/2020 =====================================
3/13/2020 =====================================
3/6/2020 =====================================
- Doppler Tomographic Measurement of the Nodal Precession of WASP-33b: Watanabe, Narita
- Breaking Resonant Chains: Destabilization of Resonant Planets due to Long-term Mass Evolution: Matsumoto
- Frequency of Planets in Binaries: review: Bonavita
- Planets in Binaries: Formation and Dynamical Evolution: Review: Marzari, Thebault
- The white dwarf planet WD J0914+1914 b: barricading potential rocky pollutants: Veras
- Dust depleted inner disks in a large sample of transition disks ALMA: van der Marel
- Origin of (2014) MU69-like Kuiper-belt contact binaries from wide binaries: Grishin
- Evolution of MU69 from a binary planetesimal into contact by Kozai-Lidov oscillations and nebular drag: Lyra
- A pair of TESS planets spanning the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf LTT 3780
- Dust dynamics and vertical settling in gravitoturbulent PPDs: Riols, Lesur
- Imprint of PPD in the Accretion of Super-Earth Envelopes: Ali-Dib, Cumming
- Formation of the polar debris disc around 99 Herculis: Smallwood, R.Martin
- Peas in a Pod? Radius correlations in Kepler multi-planet systems: Murchikova, Tremaine
- Wave propagation in semi-convective regions of giant planets: Pontin, Barker
- Resonant capture in quadruple stellar systems: Tremaine
- Constraining a neutron star merger origin for localized FRBs: Wijers
- The rarity of repeating fast radio bursts from binary neutron star mergers: G.Q.Zhang
- Dynamics of BH-NS binaries in young star clusters: Rastello, Mapelli
- The branching ratio of LIGO binary black holes: Safarzadeh
- Probing Crust Meltdown in Inspiraling Binary Neutron Stars: Z.Pan, Huan Yang
- Pre-Common-Envelope Mass Loss from Coalescing Binary Systems: MacLeod, Loeb
- Dissecting the properties of neutron star–black hole mergers originating in dense star clusters: Arca-Sedda
- GWs of Double Degenerates with Extremely low-mass WD companions: Zhenwei Li, Zhanwen Han
- Endpoint of the up-down instability in precessing binary black holes: Gerosa
2/28/2020 =====================================
2/21/2020 =====================================
2/14/2020 (NM) =====================================
2/7/2020 =====================================
1/31/2020 =====================================
1/24/2020 =====================================
1/17/2020 =====================================
1/10/2020 (NM) =====================================
1/3/2020 (NM) =====================================
12/27/2019 (NM) =====================================
12/20/2019 (NM) =====================================
12/13/2019 =====================================
12/6/2019 =====================================
11/29/2019 (NM) =====================================
11/22/2019 =====================================
11/15/2019 =====================================
11/8/2019 =====================================
11/1/2019 (NM) =====================================
10/25/2019 =====================================
- Are long-term N-body simulations reliable? Hernandez, Hadden, Makino
- Resilient habitability of nearby exoplanet systems: M.Davies
- orbit of the directly-imaged exoplanet 51 Eridani b: GPI
- Mixed modes in red giants with B field: Loi, Papaloizou
- Detecting gravitational scattering of interstellar objects using pulsar timing: Cordes
- Double-White-Dwarf Merger Products among High-Mass WDs: Menard, Toonen
- Wave heating from proto-NS convection and the core-collapse SN: Gossan, Fuller
- Two new Binary BH mergers: Zackay, L.Dai
- Global Stellar Budget for LIGO Black Holes: Jani, Loeb
- Disc formation from TDE of stars on eccentric orbits by Kerr black holes using GRSPH:
Liptai, Price
- Identification of strontium in the merger of two neutron stars: Nature: D.Watson, C.Hansen
- HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs: Dewberry
10/18/2019 =====================================
- Four newborn planets transiting the young solar analog V1298 Tau: T.David, Petigura
- Giant planet occurrence within 0.2 AU of low-luminosity red giant stars: Grunblatt, Huber
- The Endgame of Gas Giant Formation: Ginzburg, Chiang
- Two giant planets 4:3 aournd K giant: Trifonov
- Capture of interstellar objects: a source of long-period comets: Hands, Dehnen
- Tidally-Induced Radius Inflation of Sub-Neptunes: Millholland
- Detection of the nearest Jupiter analog in radial velocity and astrometry data: Fabo Feng
- Flybys in protoplanetary discs — II. Observational signatures: Cuello, D.Price
- Meridional flows in the disk around a young star: Nature: Teague, Bergin
- The interstellar object ’Oumuamua as a fractal dust aggregate (YORP spindown): Jane Luu
- Compositions of Planetary Debris around Dusty White Dwarfs: S.Xu, Jura
- Newton vs the machine: solving the chaotic three-body problem using deep neural networks:
Breen, Portegies Zwart
- Tidal flows with convection: frequency-dependence of the effective viscosity: A.Barker
- Probing Intermediate Mass Black Holes in M87 through Multi-Wavelength GWs: Emami,Loeb
- Circumbinary exoplanets and brown dwarfs with LISA: Danielski, E.Rossi
- Transients following white dwarfs mergers: Lyutikov, Toonen
- Relativistic MMRs: H.Yang, G.Li
- X-ray Search for Axions from Nearby Isolated NSs: B.Safdi
10/11/2019 =====================================
10/4/2019 =====================================
9/27/2019 =====================================
9/20/2019 =====================================
9/13/2019 =====================================
9/6/2019 =====================================
8/30/2019 =====================================
8/23/2019 (NM) =====================================
- Orbital dynamics of circumbinary planets: Chen, Lubow, Martin
- Homogeneous Analysis of Hot Earths: Masses, Sizes, and Compositions: Dai, Winn
- How Flow Isolation May Set the Mass Scale for Super-Earth Planets: Rosenthal, Murray-Clay
- Hot Jupiters are Destroyed by Tides While Their Host Stars are on the Main Sequence: Hamer, Schlaufman
- Absence of a thick atmosphere on a terrestrial exoplanet: L.Kreidberg
- The Kepler Peas in a Pod Pattern is Astrophysical: Weiss
- Driving WD metal pollution through unstable eccentric periodic orbits: Veras
- Super-Earth ingestion can explain the anomalously high metal abundances of M67 Y2235: Church, Mustill
- Graze-and-Merge Collisions under External Perturbers: E.Asphaug
- Astrophysics and cosmology with a deci-hertz gravitational-wave detector: TianGO: Yanbei Chen
- Probing Massive BH Binary Populations with LISA: Katz, Kelley
- Probing the Survival of Planetary Systems in Globular Clusters with TDEs:
Kremer, D'Orazio, Rasio
- Kick Velocity distribution of black hole X-ray binaries: Atri, Miller-Jones
- Frequency drifts in FRBs due to radius-to-frequency mapping in NSs: Lyutikov
- Do three-body encounters in galactic nuclei affect compact binary merger rates? A.Trani
- Blast Waves from Magnetar Flares and Fast Radio Bursts: Beloborodov
- Probe Axion-Like Particles thriugh CMB polarization distortions in
cluster magnetic fields: Mukherjee, Spergel
8/16/2019 =====================================
8/9/2019 =====================================
8/2/2019 =====================================
7/27/2019 (nm) =====================================
7/20/2019 (nm) =====================================
7/13/2019 (nm) =====================================
7/5/2019 (nm) =====================================
6/28/2019 =====================================
- Thermal tides in rotating HJ: Umin Lee
- Nonlinear eccentric waves in disks: Lynch, Ogilvie
- Nearly Polar orbit of the sub-Neptune HD3167 c: Dalal, Laskar
- Survival of radio-loud planetary core around WD: Veras, Wolszcan
- HydroSyMBA: 1D hydro coupled with N-body: Salmon, Canup
- computation of the secular effects of encounters on a
binary: Hamers
- Orphaned Exomoons: Tidal Detachment and Evaporation Following
an Exoplanet-Star Collision: Stone, Metzger
- Gas from disintegrating rocky planets K2-22b: Snellen
- An eccentric HJ revealed by TESS: 5.8d, e=0.26
- Planet formation and stability is polar circumbinary disk
- Galactic Tide and Local Stellar Perturbations on the Oort Cloud:
Interstellar Comets: Cai, Portegies Zwart
- Hierarchical BH mergers in AGN disks: Y.Yang, Bartos, Haiman
- Remnants of Sub-Dwarf Helium Donor Stars Ejected from Close Binaries with SN: Bauer, Bildsten
- Quasi-toroidal differentially rotating NS: Paschalidis, Shapiro
- Finite-T EOS for NS meregers (quark deconfinment); Chesler, Loeb
- Sum of Love for NS: N.Andersson
- Self lensing of NS-BH binaries: D'Orazio, Di Stefano
- Renewal of Transient Spiral Modes in Disk Galaxies: Sridhar
- Multi-messenger astro: Meszaros: General review
- A single fast radio burst localized to a massive galaxy: Science
6/21/2019 =====================================
6/14/2019 =====================================
6/7/2019 =====================================
5/31/2019 =====================================
5/24/2019 (nm) =====================================
5/17/2019 (nm) =====================================
5/10/2019 (nm) =====================================
5/3/2019 =====================================
4/26/2019 =====================================
4/19/2019 =====================================
- GPIES: Giant planets and WDs pop in 10-100au: Nielsen, Macintosh
- The mass function of wide-orbit giant planets: Wagner, Apai, Kratter
- A thord transiting planest in Kepler-47 circumbinary system: Orosz, Welsh
- Exite planetray obliquities through planet-disk interactions: Millholland, Batygin
- Hydro Simulations of planetesimals trapped in MMR: Hsieh, I-G Jiang
- Potential softening is eccentric disks: Sefilian, Rafikov
- Orbital decay of gas giants with evolving tides:
- Discovery of meteor of interstellar origin: Siraj, Loeb
- TDEs by BH remnants in dense star clusters: Kremer, Rasio
- Constrain masses of microlensing BHs and the mass gap with Gaia Dr2: Ilya Mandel
- New binary BH mergers from LIGO O2: Tejas, Zackay, L.Dai
- Massive NS 2.17^0.11_-0.10 Sun: J0740_6620: Cromartie, Ransom
4/12/2019 =====================================
4/5/2019 (nm) =====================================
3/29/2019 (nm) =====================================
3/22/2019 =====================================
3/15/2019 =====================================
- Newborn planet population emerging from ring-like structures in disks: Lodato
- Is there BD desert: D.Latham
- Multiple populations of exo gas giants: Goda, Matsuo
- Metallicity-period-mass diagram for low-mass planets: Sousa, Santos
- Signature of planet migration in PPD with ALMA: Nazari, Clarke
- Planet-planet scattering and high-e planets: Carrera, Davies
- Oort cloud asteroids: Nice and Grand Tack: A.Shannon, Wyatt
- Dust settling against turbulence in PPDs: MK Lin
- A hypothesis for rapid planet formation: Pfalzner
- Thermal effects on e and inclination of low-mass planets in disks: F.Masset
- Stellar obliquities for small planets: White papers: M.Johnson
- Outcomes of planet collisions and machinelearning: Cambioni, Asphaug
- Fate of hit-and-run collisions: Asphaug
- Asteroseismic determination of stellar rotation of Kepler planet systems: Y.Suto
- Accelration of Oumuamua: Laughlin
- Sub-jovian deserts: Szabo
- Hybrid symplectic integrators for dynamics: H.Rein
- GWs from stellar mass BHs aroundSgr A*: Emanmi, Loeb
- GW from stellar-mass binaries BHs around supermassive BHs: L.Shao
- BH mergers from quadupoles: Fragione
- Massive binary stars in Galactic center: Fragione
- No magnetars in ULXs: A.King
- Time-frequency downward drift in repeating GRBs: Wang, B.Zhang
- Observational sigatures of microlensing in GWs at LIGO: Diego,Hannuksela, Smoot
- BH/NS merger lightcurves: M.Colpi
- X-ray signatures of axion conversion in magnetic WDs: C.Dessert
3/8/2019 =====================================
- Formation of short-period planets by disk migration: Carrera, Ford
- Obliquity driven sculpting of esoplanetary systems: S.Millholland, Laughlin
- Eclipsing binaries and hierarchical triple candidates: Hajdu, Borkovits
- Using deep neural networks to compute mass of ofrming planets: Y.Alibert
- Generalized warp disk equations: R.Martin, Lubow
- Rapid destruction of PPDs due to external photoevaporation: Nicholson, M.Davies
- Atmospher dyanmcis of non-sync, eccentric tilted planets: Ohno, Xi Zhang
- Suvival of planets in young massive clusters: M.Cai, Portegies Zwart
- High binary fraction for massive hot Jupiters andBD desert members: Fontanive, K.Rice
- Interplay of planet migration, pebble and disk evolution: B.Bitsch
- A multiple impact origin for the Moon: Nature Geo: Rufu, Aharonson, Perets
- Revisit the tidal defromability derived by AT2017GFO: Kiuchi, Shibata
- AGN disks harden the mass distribution of BH binary mergers: Y.Yang, Haiman
- Periastron shift of binary pulsars with LK: Suzuki, K.Maeda
- ASKAP FRB statistics: Wenbin Lu, A.Piro
- GW from binaries with time-varying masses: P.Ricker
- Detecting SMBH-induced binary eccentricity oscillation with LISA: Hoang, Naoz
- Axion DM search with GW interferometers: Nagano
3/1/2019 =====================================
- A WJ transiting pre-MS; T.David, Hillenbrand
- Limit on protoplanet growth by accretion of small bodies: Ali-Dib, C.Thompson
- Shallow-water MHD for HJs: T.Rogers
- Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration: Lambrechts, Morby
- Formation of planetarysystemsby pebble accretion and migration: Bitsch, Morby
- Formation of planetarysystemsby pebble accretion and migration: Izidoro, Morby
- Jupiter formation in vicinity of amorphous snowline: Mousis, Lunine
- Planetesimal accretion to pebble accretion: Beibei Liu, Ormel
- Encouters between two planetary systems: Mustill, Davies
- Fossil field dacay due to nonlinear tides in massive binaries: Vidal
- Planet 9 review: Batygin
- Slowing the spins of stellar cores: J.Fuller
- A highly spinning and aligned BH mergers in ALIGO: Zackay, L.Dai
- A new search pipline for binary by aLIGO: Teja, Zackay, L.Dai
- Unseen companions of B Hya inferred from periodic ejectins: Salas, Naoz
- Observing eccentricity oscillations of binary BHs in LISA: Randall
- Tilted disks around BH simulations: White, Quataert
- AREPO simulations of TDE: Goicovic, Springel
- Narrow-band searcg for GW from known pulsars
- Exotic compact onjects and GW echos: Yanbei Chen
- GWs from compact dark matter objects in solar system: Horowitz
- Di-Sitter precession in binary PSR: M.Bailes
- Differentially rotating stars in GW: E.Zhou, Shibata
2/22/2019 =====================================
2/15/2019 =====================================
- Resonant pair of warm giant planets by TESS: Kipping
- Lack of planet transits of WD: Dame, Kilic
- Can machine learn the outcome of planet collision: Valencia
- SUrvival of planetary systems in dense clusters: Portegies Zwart, M.Cai
- Asteriods propelled by giant branch Yarkovsky: Veras, Ida
- Planetesimal belts of beta pic revealed by ALMA: Matra, Wyatt
- Misaligned disk formation via Lidov-Kozai: Franchini, R.Martin
- Dusty outflows in planetary atmospheres: Lile Wang, F.Dai
- External photoevaporation of PPDs and star formation: Winter, Clarke
- Oumuamua as icy fractal aggregate: Amaya Moro-Martin
- Layered semi-convection and tides in giant planets: Andre, Mathis, Barker
- Spin dynamics of millisecond pulsar aroundmassive BH: Li, Kinwah Wu
- GWs from MACHO (compact dark object) orbiting and inside NS: Horowitz, Reddy
- Constraints on axion-like DM with 10^-23 eV: E.Adelberger
- Fine-tuning in our universe: Book, F.Adams
2/8/2019 =====================================
- Giant impact as origin of twins in Kepler-107: Nature-Ast: Bonomo, L.Zeng
- The misaligned orbit of earth-size planet Kepler-408b: Suto, winn
- 9:7 MMR capture of equal-mass super earth: Cui, Papaloizou
- Multiplanet stability and habitable zone companion in TESS era: Agnew
- Dust trapping in PPD (short review): van der Marel
- Secular dynamics of binaries in stellar clusters: Hamilton, Rafikov
- Scattered light shadow in warped PPDs: R.Nealon, R.Alexander
- Topography of planets and multifractals: Landais
- frequency depedence of atmosphere tidal torque: J.Leconte
- Evolution of magnetic WD binaries to SN Ia: K.Maeda
- Triple origin for two blue stragglers (SPH of mass transfer): Portegies Zwart
- Search for thermal eccentricty distribution: Geller, Rasio
- Surface tide on rapidly rotating body: Xing Wei
- Late time kilonova lightcurves: Waxman
- Multiband GW event rates and stellar physics: D.Gerosa
- Binary radial velocity measurement from LISA: Wong, Berti
- GW sources from mergers catalysed by fly-bys in the field: Perets
- LIGO search for transient GW associated with magnetar flares
- Faraday rotation conversion in FRB: Gruzinov, Levin
- Detectability of modulated x-rays from LISA supermassive BH mergers: S.Noble
- Deep learning for multi-messenger astro: White paper
- Bimodal spectra of Sn Ia and WD collision: Vallely, Kochenek
- Misaligned snowplough and EM counterpart of BH binary merger: Lodato, D.Price
- Charged binary mergers: B.Zhang
- Production and detection of axion DM: P.Sikivie
2/1/2019 =====================================
1/25/2019 =====================================
1/18/2019 (no) =====================================
1/11/2019 (no) =====================================
1/4/2019 (no) =====================================
12/28/2018 (no) =====================================
12/21/2018 (no) =====================================
12/14/2018 (no) =====================================
12/7/2018 =====================================
- Obliquity tides in WASP-12b: Millholland, Laughlin
- Refined orbital decay rates for WASP-12b, HAT-P-23b etc..
- Eccentric modes in disks: Lee, Lithwick
- Atmosphere mass loss form hogh-v giant impacts: Yalinewich, Schlichting
- Constrain giant planet atmosphere and interior modeling: Fortney
- Little dippers and star-gazing exocomets: Ansdell, Gaidos
- Migrating super-earths in low-viscoisty disks: McNally, R.Nelson
- HJ accretion: 3D simulation of star-planet wind interaction: Daley-Yates
- Flybys in PPDs simulation: D.Price
- Solar system formation in the context of exoplanets: Review: Raymond, Morby
- Inclined massive planest in PPD: Z.Zhu
- Imprint of x-ray photoevaporation of PPD on orbits of giant planets: B.Ercolano
- Circumbinary planets around 2.4h binary?
- Nonlinear gravity waves in intermediate-mass stars: T.Rogers
- PN dynamics in dense cluster and LISA sources: Kremer, Rasio
- BH accretion disks formed in failed SNe with no rotation: Quataert
- PN evolution of massive BH triplets in Galactic nuclei and LISA: Bonetti, Sasana
- TDE of stars by binary BHs and LIGO siurce: Lopez, Ramirez-Ruiz
- R-modes in stars (Taby's stars): Review: H.Saio
- HMXBs as pregenitors of GW sources: review: Nelemans
- LIGO results from R1 and R2
- Binary BH populations from LIGO R1 and R2
11/30/2018 =====================================
11/23/2018 (no) =====================================
11/16/2018 =====================================
11/9/2018 =====================================
11/2/2018 =====================================
10/26/2018 =====================================
10/19/2018 =====================================
10/12/2018 =====================================
- TESS: a HJ around quickly evolving star: Songhu Wang
- Viscous evolution of PPDs in young star clusters: Portegies Zwart
- Rings and gaps formed in wind-lunching MHD disks: Suriano, Z.Li,
- Can moons have moons: Kollmeier, Raymond
- Physical constraints on evolution of life on exoplanets: light review, Loeb
- PTA, astrometry and GWs: Kamionkowski, L.Dai
- Non-steady evolution of supermassive BH binaries with disks: Haiman, Cuadra
- LISA and intermediate mass ratio inspiral in disks: D'Orazio, Haiman
- Long-lived NS merger remnants in GW170817: L.Piro
- A fast ultra-striped SN that formed a NS binary: Science: De, Kasliwal
- Many FRBs: Nature: Shannon
- Spectral properties of bright FRBs: Macquart, Shannon
- EM signals of merging BHs: Bisikalo, Zhilkin
- PTA constraints on ultra-light DM: Porayko, Y.Levin
10/5/2018 =====================================
9/28/2018 =====================================
- Why PPDs not massive enough to from known planets: Manara, Morby, Guillot
- Sub-saturn (48 Earth mass) with P=32d and e=0.84: Brady, Petigura
- Dynamical instability and planetary architecture: Wu, J-L Zhou
- CI Tau PPD: proto HJ + CJ: C.Clarke
- An eccentric warm Saturn, 15d: A.Jordan
- Planets and BDs around AF-type stars: Borgniet, Lagrange
- First-order MMRs analysis and observed systems: Terquem, Papaloizou
- Secular resonance between Iapetus and giant planets: Cuk
- Angular momentum transfer in stellar interior: Review: Aerts, Mathis, T.Rogers
- Asterseismic detection of latitudinal differential rotation in stars: Science: Benomar etal
- Outbursts of luminous blue varibles stars frm He opacity effect: Nature: Y-F Jiang, Bildsten
- Fastm UL x-ray bursts from tidal stripping of WD by IMBH: R.Shen
9/21/2018 =====================================
9/14/2018 (no meet) =====================================
- Secular transport during disk dispersal: Petrovich
- Constraints on HR8799 planets with GPI: Jason Wang
- Surface waves in PPDs induced by radiation outbursts: Schneider, Bitsch
- MMR-based planet Nine search: Bailey, Batygin
- 3D simulations of planet trap at disk-cavity boundaries: Romanova
- Obliquity of a binary-binary system: J.Wang
- Rapid rotation in Kepler field due to binaries: Simonian, Pinsonneault
- Secular evolution driven bu massive eccentric disks: Rafikov
- Contact binaries and red nova: W.Welsh
- Tidal evolution in post-MS binaries: M.Sun, Arras
- Nonlinear mixed modes in red giants: N.Weinberg, Arras
- Common envelope simulations from Roche love overflow: Reichardt, Price
- Coalescing NS/WD binaries for LISA: Tauris
- NS mergers may not be the only sources of r-process elements: Cote, Frebel, Feyer
- BH binary growth and hardening by gas accretion in clusters: Kazanas
- Evolution of Keer disks in TDEs: Balbus
- Alignment of disk subjected to Lens-Thirring torques: Hawley & Krolik
- Twisted disks formed after TDEs: Ivanov, Papaloizou
- Kilonova emission from BH/NS mergers and anisotropic mass ejection: Huang, Z.Dai
- Searching for Axion Dark Matter with Birefringent Cavities
9/7/2018 =====================================
8/31/2018 (no meet) =====================================
8/24/2018 (no meet) =====================================
8/17/2018 (no meet) =====================================
8/10/2018 =====================================
8/3/2018 =====================================
7/27/2018 =====================================
7/20/2018 =====================================
7/13/2018 =====================================
7/6/2018 =====================================
6/29/2018 =====================================
6/22/2018 =====================================
6/15/2018 =====================================
6/8/2018 (meet on 6/7) =====================================
6/1/2018 (No meet) =====================================
5/25/2018 (No meet) =====================================
5/18/2018 (No meet) =====================================
5/11/2018 =====================================
5/4/2018 =====================================
4/27/2018 =====================================
4/20/2018 =====================================
4/13/2018 =====================================
4/6/2018 =====================================
3/30/2018 =====================================
3/23/2018 =====================================
3/15/2018 =====================================
3/9/2018 =====================================
3/2/2018 (no meet) =====================================
- 30% of sun-like stars have Kepler-like planets: Wei Zhu (Michael)
- Chaotic exciation and tides in GJ 876: Batygin (Michelle)
- Model decomposition of TTV: Linial, Sari
- Dimensionality of Trappist-1 system: H.Rein (JJ)
- Signature of planetary merger on stellar spins: Qureshi,Naoz (Kassandra)
- Detection of mm flare from Promima Centauri: MacGregor, Wilner (Jiaru)
- Stability and circumbinary planets pile-up: Quarles, Kostov (Michael)
- Formation efficiency of HJs from high-e channels: Wang, J.L Zhou (Jean, Kassandra)
- Outgassing on stagnant-lid super-Earths: C.Dorn
- Compositions of wide binary HD80607/80607 (with an e=0.93M_J): Liu, Asplund
- GJ 9827 (K2-135): Three planets in 1:3:5 MMRs (1.2,3.6,6.2 days)
- Planet occurrence rate from direct imaging survey: B.Bowler
- The origin of the Moon with terrestrial synestia: Lock, Stewart
- Affine model of disk dynamics: Ogilvie
- Stars interacting with SMBH binaries vs TDEs: Coughlin, Quataert (Michelle)
- Fall-back accretion onto proto-magnetar outflows: GRB and SLSN: Metzger
- BH mergers from GCs: post-Newtonian binary-single scatterings: Samsing, D'Orazio
(Michael, Bin)
- Generation of internal waves by buoyant bubbles in Clusters: Zhang, Churazov (Yubo)
- Planets in multi-star systems: Review: D.Martin
- Bound on axion from Fermi observation of PKS: Nanjing group
HI 21 cm absorption detected z=15-20: Nature
News and view by Greenhill (all)
2/23/2018 =====================================
- Two objects in Neptune's 9:1 resonance: Volk, Murray-Clay
- Stellar hierarchies that formed sequentially: A. Tokovinin
- Impact of gas giant instabilities on habitable planets: S.Seppeur
- Jovian oscillations driven by moist convection: Dederick, Guillot
- No giant planet pileup at 1 AU: Wise & Dodson-Robinson
- Spiral density waves and vertical circulation in PPD: Riols, Latter
- Truncated PPD disk around BD, precursor to TRAPPOST-1: C.Clarke
- Stellar binaries incident on Supermass BH Binaries: Coughlin, Kasen, Quataert
- Spin of second born BH in merging binaries: Qin, Fragos, Meynet
- Binary mergers in triples: Lisa Randall
- LIGO events as magnified BH mergers: Broadhurst, Smoot
- LISA sources in GCs: Kremer, Rasio
2/16/2018 =====================================
- Measure Q_star from tidal spin-up: Penev, Winn
- Microlening planet result: turnover in planet mass ratio function: Udalski, A.Gould
- M dwarf + WD (0.5d) + BD (3000au) triple system
- Excitationof Jovian seismic modes: Markham, Stevenson
- 2nd generation dusk produced by formation of giant planets: Turrini, Testi
- The role of dissolved gases and atmosphere retention of low-mass planets: Chachan & Stevenson
- Tidal evolution of Moon from high-obliquity Earth: Nature 2016: Cuk
- Random walk of cars and collision with planets: H.Rein
- Cometary impacts on TRAPPIST-1 planets: Kral, Wyatt
- Formation of super-earth: Review: Schlichting
- Debris disk review: M.Hughes
- Disk oscillations of global relativistic disks: Latter, Ogilvie
- Inertial modes in NS binary mergers: Pietri, J.Font
- Stellar Lensing of GWs: Christian, Loeb
- Gravitational lensing of GWs: statistics: Li, S.Mao
- NS mergers chirp about vacuum energy: Csaki
- Measure BH mass spectrum from redshifts of LIGO events: Bai, V.Barger
2/9/2018 =====================================
- Forming terrestrial planets in eccentric giant planet systems: Sotiradis, Libert, Raymond
- Probing planets in extragalatic galaxies using quasar microlensing: Xinyu Dai
- Stability of 2-planets with distant companion: Denham, Naoz
- Disk precession around planet-accreting WD: Miranda, Rafikov
- Nature of TRAPPIST-1 planets, genetic algorithm: Grimm, Demory
- Tightly-packed planets with an outer planets: Boley
- Spinup and disruption of interstellar asteroids by mechanicla torque: Hoang, Loeb, Lazarian
- Why Oumuamua is tumbling and prolate? J.Katz
- Compact binary mergers driven by gas fallback: Tagawa, Bocsis
- Missing energy puzzle of TDE events: Wenbin Lu, P.Kumar
2/2/2018 =====================================
1/26/2018 =====================================
1/19/2018 =====================================
1/12/2018 =====================================
1/5/2018 =====================================
12/29/2017 (no meet) =====================================
12/22/2017 (no meet) =====================================
12/15/2017 (no meet) =====================================
12/8/2017 (no meet) =====================================
12/1/2017 =====================================
11/24/2017 (no meet) =====================================
11/17/2017 =====================================
11/10/2017 =====================================
11/3/2017 =====================================
- Kepler multis exhibit intra-system uniformity in mass and radius: Millholland, Wang, Laughlin
- 3D disk-satellite interactions: Zhu, Stone
- a bona fide photoevaporating disk
- Constrain super-earth interiors from stellar abundance: Brugger, O.Mousis
- Layered semi-convection and tides in giant planets: Andre, Mathis, Barker
- NS mergers, long-lasting high-energy signatures and remnant dichotomy: K.Murase
- Detecting BH binaries by GAIA: Tamaguchi, T.Piran
- Fast and luminous transients from explosion of WD merger remanants: Brooks, Bildsten
- Contribution of Outer HI disks to merging binary BHs Pop: Chakrabarti, P.Chang
- SN and GW precursos to LIGO sources: Perets
- Case for deciHertz GW detector: Mandel, Sesana
- Post-Merger GW waveform: A.Bauswein, Cornish
10/27/2017 (no meet) =====================================
10/20/2017 =====================================
10/13/2017 =====================================
10/6/2017 =====================================
9/27/2017 =====================================
9/22/2017 =====================================
9/15/2017 =====================================
9/8/2017 =====================================
9/1/2017 =====================================
- Test of high-e migration formation of close-in planets: Konigl
- Origin of dynamically isolated hot Earths: Konigl
- Detremine planet oblateness using transit depth variation: Schlichting
- Dynamical evolution of transiting planets with collisions: Mustill, Davies
- Albedos of super-earths from Kepler data: Deming
- post-MS evolution of icy planets and WD pollution: Perets
- Radio detectabiloty of circumplanetary disks: Z.Zhu, Andrews
- Dust trap in decaying vortex: Baruteau
- Extinction and dimming Taby's star KIC8462852
- Long-term photometric variability of Taby's star: Shappee, Kochanek
- Local models of astro disks: Latter, Papaloizou
- Toward rapid transient ID and characterization of kilonova: Stubbs
- SMall-scale B fields and magnetic inclination evolution of pulsars: Kraav
- Super-Eddington stellar winds theory: Owocki, Quataert
- Eclipsing stellar binaries at GC: Li, Naoz, Loeb
- Double NS binary merger rates: Belczynski
- Primordial BH mergers and dark matter spikes: Kamionkowski
- B field in lensing galaxy z=0.439: Nature-Astro, Mao, Gaensler
- Rotation rate of binary asteroids, YORP/BYORP: Scheeres
- Binary BH merger rate from ULX progenitors
- Magnetic inclination angle distribution of new born NSs: Perna
- Color of kilonovas, atomic opacities: Japanese
- Spontaneous superortation on planets
- Astro Haloscope: axion-radio photon conversion: G.Sigl
8/25/2017 =====================================
8/18/2017 =====================================
8/11/2017 =====================================
8/4/2017 =====================================
7/28/2017 =====================================
7/21/2017 =====================================
7/14/2017 =====================================
7/7/2017 =====================================
6/30/2017 =====================================
6/23/2017 (no) =====================================
6/16/2017 (no) =====================================
6/9/2017 (no) =====================================
6/2/2017 =====================================
5/26/2017 =====================================
5/19/2017 =====================================
5/12/2017 (no) =====================================
5/5/2017 (no) =====================================
4/28/2017 (no) =====================================
4/21/2017 =====================================
4/14/2017 (No) =====================================
4/7/2017 (No) =====================================
3/31/2017 =====================================
- Evidence for two HJ formation paths: Nelson, Ford & Rasio
- Constrain possible outer giant planet for Kepler-11 from coplanarity: Jontof-Hutter, Ford, Fabrycky
- Transit probab in evolving planet systems due to external perturber: Read, Wyatt
- Initial mass function for giant planets & planet ejection: Carrera, Davies
- Planet M-R measurements: Mills & Mazeh: M~R^1.46 for small P and ~R^0.69 for larger P
- Stabilty of tightly-packed planetary system: Obertas, Tamayo
- Earth-mass planet at 1AU around a BD
- Planetesimal formation by Stream instability in photoevaporating disks: Carrera, Johansen
- Misaligned gapped disks: Owen
- EM signals following stellar BH merger due to circumbinary disks: de Mink & King
- Explosive nuclear burning in WD TDE? Tanikawa, Nomoto
- Are GW spinning dowm PSR J1023 (a transitioning PSR)? Haskell & Patruno
- Assembly rate of eccentric BH binary merger: Samsing, Ramirez
- Origin of planetary ring systems (review): Charnoz, Canup
- Statistical mech of planets orbital elements: Mogavero
3/24/2017 =====================================
3/17/2017 (no) =====================================
3/10/2017 (no) =====================================
3/3/2017 (no) =====================================
2/24/2017 =====================================
2/17/2017 =====================================
2/10/2017 =====================================
- Dyanmical reaarangement of super-earth during disk dispersal: Liu, Ormel, Lin
- Polar alignment of disk around eccentric bibary: Martin & Lubow
- A low-mass (0.38M_J) transiting WJ at 29 days
- Search for orbital decay of WASP-18b (10M_J, 22.6 hrs, F Star): Wlikins, Barker
- KELT-18b: Inflated HJ (2.87d) around 1.5M_sun, companion 1100 AU
- BD desert: Grieves, Jian Ge
- Orbiting clouds around WTTS (K2 result): Stauffer, Cameron
- Giant planet initial configuration: Deienno, Morby
- Rings/haps produced by variable magnetic disk winds: Z.Li, H.Shang
- Theory of transmission spectra: K.Heng
- MMR at high eccentricities: Wang, Malhotra
- Planetesimal formation near snow line: Ormel
- Dynamics of Planets in MMRs: Correia, Laskar
- IR echos of periodic emission from massive binary BHs: D'Orazio, Haiman
- IMBH in GC 47 Tuc: Nature: Kiziltan, Loeb
- Expected spin of LIGO BH Binaries: Zaldarriaga
- GW from orphan memory: McNeill (Monash)
- Dearth of short-period massive stellar binaries & formation
- Common origin of magnetism from planet to WD: Jordi Isern
- Likely 10-yr long TDE: Nature: Lin, Guillochon
- FRB as pulsar lightning: J.Katz
- Pulsating ULXs: A.King, Lasota
- SMX X-3: closest ULX with powered by a NS: Poutanen
- Hydro simulation of NS-WD mass transfer: M.Davies
- GW background from massive BH binaries from Illustris: Kelly, Hernquist
- IGM magnetic field constraint: Tiede, Broderick
- GravDy: GPU N-body code: Maureira-Fredes
2/3/2017 =====================================
1/27/2017 =====================================
1/20/2017 (NM) =====================================
1/13/2017 (NM) =====================================
1/6/2017 (NM) =====================================
12/30/2016 (NM) =====================================
12/23/2016 (NM) =====================================
12/16/2016 (NM) =====================================
12/9/2016 (NM) =====================================
12/2/2016 (NM) =====================================
11/25/2016 (no meet) =====================================
11/18/2016 (no meet) =====================================
11/11/2016 (no meet) =====================================
11/4/2016 (no meet) =====================================
10/28/2016 =====================================
10/21/2016 (no meet) =====================================
10/14/2016 (no meet) =====================================
10/7/2016 =====================================
9/30/2016 (no meet) =====================================
9/23/2016 (no meet) =====================================
9/16/2016 =====================================
9/9/2016 =====================================
9/2/2016 (no meet) =====================================
8/26/2016 (no meet) =====================================
8/19/2016 =====================================
8/12/2016 =====================================
8/5/2016 (no meet) =====================================
7/29/2016 =====================================
- Young star occulted by disturbance in PPD: Rodriguez, Kochanek
- WASP super-Neptune, low-density inflated, hot neptune desert: Lam...
- Apocenter glow of eccentric debris disk: Margret Pan
- Variable Dust/gas disk around WD: Manser, Gansicke
- Precessing gas disk around WD: Hartman, Werner
- K2 planets candidates: Crossfield
- Predicting atmosphere composition of GJ1132B: Schaefer, Sasselov
- Planets clearing gap in debris disks: A.Shannon
- Fragmentation of PPD around M dwarf: Backus, T.Quinn
- Comets from Oort cloud: Silsbee & Tremaine
- Tidal equilibrium of star-planet-moon systems: F.Adams
- Radio-pulsing WD binary: Nature: Marsh, Gansicke
- Solar-type dynamo in fully convective stars: Nature: Wright & Drake.
Spruit's reviewof solar dynamo/cycles
- Mode-switching pulsar: Mereghetti
- LIGO constraint on NS/NS and NS/BH merger rates
- GW background from evolving binaries: Dvorkin, Uzan, Silk
- Polarized scattering in exo-atmospheres: Berdyugina
7/22/2016 =====================================
7/15/2016 =====================================
7/8/2016 (no meeting) =====================================
7/1/2016 (no meeting) =====================================
6/24/2016 =====================================
6/17/2016 =====================================
6/10/2016 (no meeting) =====================================
6/3/2016 =====================================
5/27/2016 =====================================
5/20/2016 =====================================
5/13/2016 =====================================
- Kepler-223 resonance chain: 3:4:6:8 (7-19 days sub-Neptunes): Nature: Fabrycky
- Constraint of planet sculpting of transition disks: R.Dong and Dawson
- Spin-orbit alignment of giant planet around F star: G. Zhou
- 1284 newly validated Kepler planets: T.Morton etal.
NASA briefing material
- Long-term simulations of migrating planets: Benitez-Llambay, Masset
- suppressed accretion onto binary BHs: Lodato
- Circumbinary/circumstellar accretion: A.Nelson, Marzari
- Gravitoturbulenvce in magnetic disks: H.Latter
- Dust/gas evolution in pressure bump in disks: Ida
- Correlation of Mdot and disk mass of protoplanetary disks: Manara
- Trojan satellite and UV anomalies of WASP-12 ? Lammer, Fossati
- Orbital clustering of KBOs by planet Nine, Resonance: H. Beust
- CME impact on planets around M dwarfs and stars: Kay, M.Opher
- Magnetic property of Kepler-78 (with 8.5 hr planet): Moutou, Donati
- Millisecond pulsar mass bimodal: Antoniadis, Tauris
- FRBs counterparts (ULXs): S.Popov
- FRB counterparts: Lyutikov and Lorimer
- The m=1 instability of NS merger remnant: Lehner
- Tilted BH-torus system: Mewes, Font, Stergioulas
- Detecting GW memory with aLIGO: Y.Levin
- Stellar merger and Red Nova Outburst: MacLeod, Ramirez-Luiz
- Linear/nonlinear tidal response: Xing Wei
5/6/2016 =====================================
4/29/2016 =====================================
4/22/2016 =====================================
4/15/2016 =====================================
4/8/2016 =====================================
4/1/2016 (no meet) =====================================
3/25/2016 =====================================
3/18/2016 =====================================
3/11/2016 =====================================
3/4/2016 =====================================
2/26/2016 =====================================
2/19/2016 =====================================
2/12/2016 =====================================
2/5/2016 =====================================
- Statistics of long-period gas giants: Bryan, Knutson
- An aligned HJs in binary at 450 Myrs: A.Santerne
- Obtain 3D spin-orbit misalignment with RM: Cegla,... Pepe
- A neptune-sized planet with pure rock compostion
- External photoevaporation of disks: Facchini, C.Clarke
- Spiral waves triggered by shadows in transition disks
- Gap in disks, counter-rotating disks: Vorobyov, Regaly, Lin
- Observing self-gravitating spriral waves: Hall, Forgan, K.Rice
- Eccentric binary msp with a He WD companion: Antoniadis, Kaplan, Freire
- Kilonova/Macronova from NS-BH merger: Kawaguchi, M.Shibata
- HF-QPOs from AGN: Pan, Weimin Yuan, SN Zhang
- Experiental search for axions: Review: P.Graham
1/29/2016 =====================================
1/22/2016 =====================================
- Evidence of planet-X: Batygin & Brown
- Warm Jupiters are less lonely than HJs: Huang, Y.Wu, Triaud
- LK double averaging: Luo, Katz, Dong
- Simulation of HJ-stellar wind interaction: Christie, Arras, Li
- two giant planets around 1.8 solar mass star, unstable: B. Sato, Gang Zhao
- Formation of compact multiplanet from core accretion and migration: Coleman & R.Nelson
- N-body simulations of planetesimal driven migration: Kominami, Makino
- Habitability of terrestrial planets around M dwarfs: Owen
- Commonality of 10-30AU axisymmetric features in disks: Zhang, Bergin, Blake
- circumbinary disk system DQ Tau
- gas squeezing during merger of SMBH binaries: Cerioli, Lodato
- Tidal inertial wave/modes in roating star: Guenel, Baruteau
- Pulsar acceleration shifts for nearby SN: Ue-Li Pen
- New route towards merging BH binaries: Marchant, Langer, Podsiaa..
- ULXs: NS vs BH: A.King and Lasota
- Predicting clouds in exoplanet atmospheres: K.Stevenson
- GCs and advanced civilization: di Stefano
1/15/2016 =====================================
1/8/2016 (no) =====================================
12/25/2015 (no) =====================================
12/18/2015 (no) =====================================
12/11/2015 =====================================
12/4/2015 (no meeting)=====================================
11/27/2015 (no meeting)=====================================
11/20/2015 =====================================
11/13/2015 =====================================
11/6/2015 =====================================
10/30/2015 =====================================
10/23/2015 =====================================
- in-situ formation of HJs: Boley, Gladman
- Disintegrating mino planet transiting a WD, Nature: Vanderburg, Johnson
- Possible correlatio of R and period for small planets: Helled
- Freq of snowline-region planets from microlensing: Shvartzvald, Maoz.
- Extraterrestrial civilizations search: Wright
- correlation between host star activity and g of HJ: Fossati, Lanza
- Kepler MS-WD eclipsing binaries: Mazeh
- No planet in Alpha Cen B: S. Aigrain
- HATS-17b: transiting warm Jupiter: G.Bakos
- Melting core and tidal dissipation: S.Mathis
- Dust evolution can produce gaps in disks: S.Andrews
- stocastic fragmentation of self-grav. disks: C.Clarke
- Lense-Thirring precession in tidal disruption events: Lodato
- suppression of Type I migration by disk winds: Morby, Guillot
- Convective overstability of protoplanetray disks: H.Latter
- Tidal capture formation of LMXBs: H.Perets
- Renewd case for NS precession: Kerr, G.Hobbs
- mode-switching pulsar B1859+07: Lyne, Rankin
- tidal disruption by SMBH in x-ray, Nature: Jon Miller
- Tidal disruption by binary SMBHs: Loeb
- LIGO event rates and compact binary Pop: Belczynski, Holz
- New constraint on Saturn model (tide) from Cassini: Lainey
- Stellar seismology probe internal B field: Science, Fuller
- Thermal conductivity of rubble piles: Luan & Goldreich
- ULXs review
10/16/2015 =====================================
10/9/2015 =====================================
- Reinflate warm jupiter around red giants: Lopez & Fortney
- KELT-4Ab: HJ in stellar triple
- Tidal downsizing model & feedback in planets: Nayakshin
- Kepler eclipsing binaries in triple: Gies,... J.Orosz
- Stellar multiplicity on planet formation: Wang, Fischer
- Tidal dissipation in star-planet: Scaling, short review: S.Mathis
- Forming Kuiler belt: Yanqin Wu, Lithwick
- Fast-moving features in debris disk AU Mic: A-M Lagrange
- Spiral arms in gravitationally unstable disks: Ruobing Dong
- Dust filtration in transition disk, observation
- weak turbulence of protoplanetary disk revealed by observations: S.Andrews
- HL tau disk with planets: W.Kley
- simulation of tide and mass transfer in eccentric binary wih IMBH:
Portegies Zwart
- ab initio pulsar magnetosphere with GR: Philippov, Spitkovsky
- measure NS mass using glitches, Wynn Ho
- GW afterglow in binary NS merger, f-mode CFS: Kokkotas
- timing of isolated NSs: 1E1207 & CALVERA: Halpern & Gotthelf
- Redback MSPs: Kaplan, Phinney
- Evolution of B field of young stars (short review): Bouvier
- Cloud modeling in GCM, GJ1214b: Meadow, Leconte
10/2/2015 =====================================
9/25/2015 =====================================
9/18/2015 =====================================
9/11/2015 =====================================
9/4/2015 =====================================
8/28/2015 =====================================
8/21/2015 =====================================
8/14/2015 (no meeting) =========================
8/7/2015 (no meeting)=========================
7/31/2015 =========================
7/24/2015 =========================
7/17/2015 =========================
- Gaps in debris disks openned by MMR with planet: Wiegert
- forming tripes, Kozai: Antognini, T. Thompson
- microlensing discovery of planet around BW
- IR variability of circumbinary disks: A.Quillen
- Spiral arms in protoplanetary disks: R.Dong, Z.Zhu, Rafikov
- Spiral shocks in disks: Zhu, Rafikov, etall
- Chondrule transport in disks: J.Owen
- decreasing planet frequency with MS age? D.Veras
- ASASSN-15lh: most luminous SN: Subo Dong
- model surface emission from low-field magnetar: Guillot, Perna
- accretion disk dynao and state-transition in XRBs: Begelman
- soft x-ary tidal disruption events: Mckinney, Cole Miller
- magnetar driven shock breakout: Kasen, Matzger, Bildsten
- Nearby stars as GW detectors: Silk
- axion-photon resonant conversion in clusters: Sigl
7/10/2015 =========================
7/3/2015 =========================
6/26/2015 =========================
6/19/2015 =========================
6/12/2015 =========================
6/5/2015 =========================
5/29/2015 =========================
5/22/2015 =========================
5/15/2015 =========================
5/8/2015 =========================
5/1/2015 =========================
4/24/2015 =========================
4/17/2015 =========================
4/10/2015 =========================
4/3/2015 =========================
3/27/2015 =========================
3/20/2015 =========================
3/13/2015 =========================
3/6/2015 =========================