Dong Lai's Research Group
Theoretical Astrophysics

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Our current research interest includes

See our Publications (updated occasionally) and Representative Papers, or look at arXiv or ADS .

Selected recent talks: (maybe useful for getting a quick overview of our research for students/postdocs)

Some Older Research Stuff and talks

GROUP MEMBERS: grouppicture 8/14, grouppicture 7/15, grouppicture 7/16, grouppicture 9/17 grouppicture 7/18 grouppicture 5/19 grouppicture 6/20 grouppicture 5/21 grouppicture 5/22 grouppicture 5/23


Graduate students:

Research associate:

Undergarduate students:

Former students:

Ph.D. students:

Other Cornell Ph.D. students I have worked with or co-supervised: Undergraduate students: Former Visiting Associates and postdocs:

Joining our group: We welcome graduate students (both in astronomy and physics) who are very motivated, curious and passionate about research. Students interested in joining our group are encouraged to contact Dong Lai as early as possible.

We gratefully acknowledge NSF, NASA (ATP, exoplanets, Chandra, Fermi programs), the A.P. Sloan Foundation and the Simons Foundation for supporting our research over the years.

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